Right Direction NJ: It’s Time Assemblyman Andrew Zwicker Was Exposed for His Dishonest Flip-Flops on Minimum Wage Issue

It’s Time Assemblyman Andrew Zwicker Was Exposed for His Dishonest Flip-Flops on Minimum Wage Issue




Somerville, July 24, 2017 – Assemblyman Andrew Zwicker’s (D-16) broken promises on the minimum wage issue reveal him to be the worst kind of typical politician, one willing to say or do anything if he thinks it will help him get re-elected, said GOP challengers Donna Simon and Mark Caliguire.


In the wake of Zwicker’s recent vote in Trenton to double the minimum wage and mandate paid benefits for unionized workers at Newark Airport (A-4870/S-3226) – effectively mandating a minimum wage of $22.25 per hour – after he voted against a $15 minimum wage for all New Jersey workers, it’s time for Zwicker to be held accountable for his conflicting words and actions.


Slick Zwick’s Tortured History on the Minimum Wage


2014: Zwicker strenuously supported a minimum wage hike as a candidate for Congress



2015: Zwicker said a higher minimum wage was a moral issue during Assembly race

https://vimeo.com/141915925 (Lecture begins at 59:12 mark)


2016: Zwicker flip-flopped and voted against a $15 minimum wage for all NJ workers



2017: Zwicker voted to double minimum wage for unionized Newark Airport workers



“Andrew Zwicker has taken so many different positions on the minimum wage over the last three years it makes your head spin,” said former Assemblywoman Donna Simon.  “In 2014 and 2015, he lectured anyone who would listen about the need for a significant increase in the minimum wage, then voted against a $15 minimum wage for all New Jersey workers in 2016.”


“To make matters worse, after telling all New Jersey workers that a $15 minimum wage was too rich for his blood, Zwicker turned around and voted in favor of an effective $22 minimum wage for unionized workers at Newark Airport that includes mandated paid sick leave and vacation time.  Does that make any sense whatsoever?” asked Somerset County Freeholder Mark Caliguire.


“Donna, Mark and I believe in policies that are good for small business, jobseekers, and our economy," said Senator Kip Bateman.  “What we don’t believe in, frankly, are typical politicians who say one thing and do another so often that it’s impossible to know where they stand.”





Contact:        Anthony Ranucci, 609-709-2593 or manager@rightdirectionnj.com

Chris Russell, 609-731-0770 or crussell@chrisrussellconsulting.com

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