Rooney sends letter to BPU to extend public comment of the new Energy Master Plan

Rooney sends letter to BPU to extend public comment of the new Energy Master Plan


TRENTON, N.J. – Assemblyman Kevin J. Rooney sent a letter to the Board of Public Utilities President Joseph L. Fiordaliso about extending the public comment period of the energy master plan.  The comment period is schedule to close today but Rooney stressed the importance of extending it for at least a month after the release of the integrated energy plan.

“The public should have the chance to weigh in on such an important program,” wrote Rooney (R-Bergen).  “Without the cost benefit analysis and unresolved capacity questions, it would be premature to close the draft EMP comment period.”

The IEP will outline cost effective alternatives and strategies in the pursuit of clean energy in the most cost effective manner.

For a copy of the letter click here.

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