Rosemary Becchi Supports Police, Calls out Mikie Sherrill's Vote to Eliminate Qualified Immunity

For Immediate Release                                           
Parsippany NJ – Last night Mikie Sherrill embraced the radical policies of the “Defund the Police” movement by voting for H.R. 7120, federal legislation that eliminates qualified immunity, severely impacting the ability of police to protect and serve our communities.
Sherrill’s vote came one day after Democrats in the Senate halted all discussion and rejected compromise on the Justice Act, the police reform legislation authored and supported by longtime police reform advocate Senator Tim Scott.
In response to Sherrill’s vote, Rosemary Becchi released the following statement.
“I had the opportunity to talk to several retired and current police officers regarding the issue of police reform this week, and I can tell you that this legislation was opposed by the men and women in uniform who fight to keep our families safe and secure every day. The elimination of qualified immunity in this legislation will leave our law-abiding police officers defenseless in their most vulnerable and difficult moments of protecting our communities by opening them up to frivolous lawsuits from criminals.
Not surprisingly, Mikie Sherrill followed Nancy Pelosi and the liberal left’s lead as she does with 99% of her votes. She voted in line with the mob and Washington liberals and put politics ahead of the people and police officers in her district.
Unfortunately, this legislation will ensure that fewer police officers patrol our neighborhoods, fewer individuals will pursue a career in law enforcement and ultimately this will lead to a significant increase in crime and taxes.”

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