Rosemary Becchi’s Statement on the PRO Act

Rosemary Becchi, the tax policy attorney and public advocate behind Jersey First, today announced she is running for New Jersey’s 7th District.

Rosemary Becchi’s Statement on the PRO Act

Morristown, NJ - The economy-killing agenda behind the so-called Protecting the Right to Organize Act cannot be obfuscated by its lofty title. By design, this bill eliminates the business franchise model that employs more than 7 million Americans and contributes nearly $675 Billion to our national economy. Under the guise of expanding worker rights, this legislation destroys entrepreneurship, specifically the ability of Americans to open and own small businesses under a national brand. The bill also expands the equally destructive schemes in New Jersey and elsewhere to end the ability of Americans to operate as independent contractors, from single parents working as on-line college professors to independent truck drivers and self-employed writers or special education instructors. Mikie Sherrill continues to fail the people of the 11th District by following Nancy Pelosi’s agenda and supporting bills that restrict the ability of Americans to achieve the American dream.  It’s time to put the people of New Jersey 11th first.

Rosemary, who is the Republican candidate for New Jersey’s 11th Congressional District, has more than 25 years experience in public policy and the law, and she has built a reputation as a leading tax policy advocate.   She is widely known for founding and leading Jersey First, a non-profit organization with the mission to educate and advocate for policy solutions to lower taxes, reduce government spending and help put the Garden State’s economy back on track.  Rosemary began championing for lower taxes on families with her work on writing the 529 College Savings Law to help families afford college.


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