Ruiz, Sweeney Condemn Anti-Muslim Comments Made by School Board Member

Ruiz, Sweeney Condemn Anti-Muslim Comments Made by School Board Member
Trenton – Senate Education Chair Senator M. Teresa Ruiz and Senate President Steve Sweeney issued the following statement condemning the comments made by Toms River School Board Member Daniel Leonard:
“The comments made by Daniel Leonard are unacceptable in any context and no one with such hateful, harmful views should be in a position to shape the educational and socio-emotional development of our children. The attacks we have seen on these young congresswomen fighting to move our country forward have been sickening and to hear it coming from a Board of Education member is appalling. It is crucial that we protect our students and we must ensure that their classrooms are safe spaces of inclusivity and acceptance. New Jersey’s greatest strength is its diversity and there is no room for hate and bigotry—Daniel Leonard should resign immediately.”