Salerno Poised to Take on Van Drew in NJ 2nd Congressional 

Capitol, the target of both CD3 candidates.

Salerno Poised to Take on Van Drew in NJ 2nd Congressional 

Joe Salerno Leads with all Counties Reporting 

Cape May, New Jersey – June 5, 2024 – With votes from all precincts counted, Joe Salerno is the presumed winner of the Democratic primary in the race for New Jersey’s 2nd Congressional District. Given the closeness of the race, a final tally awaits the counting of a modest number of vote-by-mail ballots.

“The most important thing is to make sure every vote in the election is counted,” said Salerno. “Once we know that’s happened, we are eager to take on the task of fighting for a return to decency and democracy, and winning back the seat for the people of South Jersey.”

Final counts are expected to be formally completed as soon as Friday. An overview of Salerno’s campaign is at

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