Salmon: Leonard Lance Betrays Constituents with Tax Bill Vote
Leonard Lance Betrays Constituents with Tax Bill Vote
SCOTCH PLAINS, NEW JERSEY — Today, Scott Salmon, Democratic candidate for New Jersey's 7th Congressional District, released the following statement:
"Congressman Leonard Lance is a fraud. Despite insisting that he would oppose the Republican Party's tax bill, Congressman Lance voted last night to move H.R. 1, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, to conference to be reconciled with the version passed last week by the Senate.
Let us say it plainly: the Republican Party's tax bill is outright theft. It steals from the people who need it most and gives it to the people who need it least. It relies on the failed economic theory of trickle-down economics, which history has shown simply does not work. Congressman Lance has told us repeatedly that he opposed the bill and would fight against it, yet, his actions speak louder than his words as he abandons and betrays his constituents.
Maya Angelou said, 'When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.' Congressman Lance has shown us who he is, and next November, he will have to pay the consequences when we vote him out of office."
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