Sandra Wittner Announces Plans To Seek Re-Election To Dover Town Council

DOVER, NJ - With a strong desire to continue delivering for her constituents, Dover Town Council Member Sandra Wittner today announced her intention to seek re-election to her First Ward seat in 2024.

“We’ve done a lot together in the last 5 years,” Wittner said. “But there is more work to do. Simply put: we have unfinished business.”

Council Member Wittner was first elected to the then-Dover Board of Aldermen in November 2018, and was re-elected unopposed in 2020. In 2022, she defeated her primary opponent by a record margin of over 40%.

“While I believe my record of transparency, accountability, and delivering results speaks for itself,” Wittner said, “I look forward to hitting the pavement between now and June to earn the votes of my neighbors.”

Since being first elected, Wittner has led the charge for fair wages for Dover’s workers, introduced an ordinance that would guarantee jobs for Dover residents on town projects, and was the prime sponsor of the town’s cannabis ordinance.

Recently, Wittner fought for the overdue investment in a new pumper for the town’s firefighters, an unfinished task she hopes to see through in 2024.

“One of my primary focuses has been public safety, specifically making sure our police, fire, and EMST have the resources they need to keep our community safe,” said Wittner. “As a healthcare professional, I know that job is never done.”

In addition to continuing her work in the area of public safety, Wittner intends to use a fourth term to push for more improvements to town infrastructure, an increase in commercial development and rateables, and firm action to alleviate longstanding issues surrounding code enforcement.

Wittner will be seeking the endorsement of the Dover Democratic Committee at its upcoming nominating convention and will, in the coming days, be releasing a strong list of supporters from both inside and outside of Dover.

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