SandSJ Endorses Drivers’ License for Undocumented Immigrants

Salvation and Social Justice [SandSJ] today endorsed legislation that would provide drivers’ licenses for undocumented immigrants and others that may not wish to apply for licenses in compliance with the federal REAL ID Act. SandSJ urged lawmakers to vote in favor of [A4743/S3229] in this legislative session. The legislation was introduced by Assemblywoman Annette Quijano and State Senator Joseph Vitale late last year.
“This is primarily a human rights issue,” said Dr. Charles Boyer, Founder and Director of SandSJ. “The inability to drive impoverishes many working poor families across New Jersey and forces others to drive bicycles in dangerous conditions on major roadways. The Judeo-Christian faiths clearly teach us to treat the immigrant as we would treat ourselves. Most have come to our nation and state to improve themselves and contribute to our communities.”
Boyer added: “The legislation has the added benefit of improving public safety on our roads by establishing uniform testing and insurance requirements. Improved safety and economic development that is a winning combination.”