SandSJ Supports A4743/S3229 to Allow Undocumented Immigrants to Get Driver’s Licenses

Salvation and Social Justice supports A4743/S3229 to allow undocumented immigrants to apply for a drivers licenses. Reverend Sammy Arroyo, a United Methodist pastor and the Latinx Faith Outreach Coordinator for Salvation and Social Justice said, “The Christian faith is based on love for God and love for our neighbors, in the same way, it is made visible when we seek justice for those who are most marginalized in our communities. Our sacred scriptures challenge us to treat every person who lives among us as community, and to love them in the same way we love ourselves (Leviticus 19:33-34). This bill will help the most marginalized members in our communities be able to live without fear. Additionally, driver’s licenses will also enhance their opportunities to contribute to the state’s economy.  We call on our State leaders to pass this sensible and fair law.”


Twelve states including New Mexico, Maryland, Nevada, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Washington, Utah and Vermont have already granted licenses to undocumented immigrants. With the passing of Bill A4743/S3229 and signing by the Governor, New Jersey would become the thirteenth state to grant licenses to undocumented immigrants.


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