Sarlo Statement on Governor’s Budget Proposal

Sarlo Statement on Governor’s Budget Proposal
Trenton – Senator Paul Sarlo, the chairman of the Senate Budget and Appropriations Committee, issued the following statement on Governor Phil Murphy’s budget proposal for Fiscal Year 2021:
“The Governor has done his job by presenting us with a budget plan and it is now the Legislature’s responsibility to give the proposal a thorough review and put in place a fiscally responsible spending plan for the coming year. It is a proposal that we will work with to make sure we have the resources and the plans to address New Jersey’s needs and priorities.
“We start with a foundation of strong revenue growth that is consistent with the Legislature’s projections last spring. While that gives us the ability to make smart investments in immediate and long-term needs, we still have to protect the financial interests of the taxpayers by eliminating wasteful spending and making sure that government operates efficiently and effectively.
“This year I will have the Senate Budget Committee take a deep dive into the programs and services of the departments of state government to get a full accounting of the finances that support them. It will be a ‘structural review’ that goes beyond the traditional focus that was limited to new programs and spending increases for existing ones.
“We will work to produce a state budget that maximizes the effectiveness of government services and makes the best use of public resources.”