SC Opposes Kavanaugh Nomination
SC Opposes Kavanaugh Nomination
Donald Trump announced he plans to nominate Brett Kavanaugh to Justice Anthony Kennedy’s recently vacated seat on the Supreme Court. Kavanaugh is currently a judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit. While there, he has consistently sided with polluters over the best interest of the public and the agencies charged with protecting the public's health, welfare, and the environment. Jeff Tittel, Director of the New Jersey Sierra Club, released the following statement:
“Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh was handpicked to undo decades of progress on civil rights, women’s health, the environment, labor protection, and immigrant rights. He is being supported by extremist groups such as the Federalist Society and will go forward with an anti-people and anti-environmental agenda. He believes in helping powerful corporations over the rights of the people. We deserve Court Justices that will make intelligent and important decisions without corruption. Unfortunately, we are now threatened from a Court with a right-wing majority.
“Anthony Kennedy wasn’t great but at least he voted to regulate carbon emissions. He was the deciding vote on Massachusetts vs EPA that required the Bush Administration to regulate greenhouse gasses. This decision led to the Obama Administration moving forward with the Clean Power Plan that Trump wants to remove. We believe that Kavanaugh will be lock-step when the Trump Administration on their environmental, public safety, and women’s health rollbacks. We strongly urge our Senators, to reject this nominee and protect the people of New Jersey and the entire country.”