SCDC Forward team announces candidacy

Dear Sussex County Democratic Committee Members,

We are the SCDC Forward Team. We are running for the positions of Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary and Treasurer and we could not be more excited. Our ticket is looking forward to speaking  with you over the course of the next few weeks leading up to the Tuesday, June 9th SCDC Reorganization Meeting/Election about any and all questions, comments, or concerns you may have.

We are a team of seasoned professional leaders and above all, proud Democrats. We are now entering one of the most important election years of our lifetimes; meaning effective, unified leadership is now a necessity for not only the future of our County Committee but the very soul of our nation.

No one enjoys having to pick sides in things like this, but it is what needs to be done in order to get this Committee back on track towards victory in November and beyond.

Between the fight for the White House and the  all  important Gubernatorial election in 2021, where we must ensure a second term for our outstanding Governor, the SCDC Forward Team has put our personal lives on hold in order to deliver the leadership needed now more than ever.

We understand the challenges many are facing due to our “new normal” because we too have had these changes touch our lives in different ways as well. However, we are all in this together, as one unified Committee, and we will not let anyone from inside or outside our organization divide us.

In the wise words of President Lincoln,  ” A house divided against itself can not stand“. Our team promises you that we will bring back transparency, fairness,  and teamwork to our organization because our  committee will only be strong if we are unified as one Sussex County Democratic Committee.

The Candidates are as follows: 

Dawne Rowe for Chairwoman

Scott Fadden for Vice Chairman

Leslie Boen for Secretary

Diane Wexler for Treasurer 

We look forward to speaking with all of you soon. For those of you on Facebook you can find us at our campaign page where we will have all campaign related materials, bios, and updates.  The page name on Facebook is called: SCDC Forward.

It would truly be a privilege to represent and work with you all. We look forward to meeting you.             

The SCDC Forward Team 

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