Scharfenberger & Flynn Call on Murphy to Finally End All Remaining COVID-19 Mandates

Scharfenberger & Flynn Call on Murphy to Finally End All Remaining COVID-19 Mandates


Marlboro, N.J. – Assemblyman Gerry Scharfenberger and Assemblywoman Victoria Flynn (Monmouth-R’s) are calling on New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy to end any and all existing COVID-19 restrictions immediately.

While it is clear that the COVID-19 pandemic has been over for quite some time, a conclusion that even the Federal Government has announced it is recognizing, New Jersey seems to be stuck in the past as several restrictions remain in effect – especially in the health care related fields.

Presently, nurses and other health care workers across the State are still subjected to weekly COVID-19 testing, a precondition wrongfully placed on health professionals by the Governor’s Emergency Executive Orders due to vaccination statuses:


“New Jersey’s healthcare workers should not be subjected to needless, intrusive testing when the country has moved on and the pandemic has been officially declared over,” commented Assemblyman Scharfenberger“It’s time for Governor Murphy to rescind all the executive orders related to Covid mandates and the lockdowns. Even President Biden has publicly stated that the pandemic is over and will officially end the emergency declaration. With New Jersey struggling to find enough qualified nurses and other healthcare professionals, it is imperative that these restrictions be lifted immediately. Even New York State, which surpassed New Jersey in its veracity with lockdowns has lifted all the restrictions,” Scharfenberger continued.”

“We trust health care workers with our health, yet for some reason the Governor does not trust them to make competent decisions with their own – it makes zero sense to continue testing and it is well past time these intrusions come to an end,” said Assemblywoman Flynn. “I am concerned with the continuation of those policies which dissuade people from pursing a career in health care, especially since there are significant challenges within this workforce to recruit qualified professionals to handle the health care needs of our State. We need to remove government impediments before we have a crisis on our hands.”

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