Schirmer Slams Greenstein for Staying Silent on Day 3 of Shutdown; Calls for Retroactive Pay for Govt. Employees
RELEASE - Schirmer Slams Greenstein for Staying Silent on Day 3 of Shutdown; Calls for Retroactive Pay for Govt. Employees
Contact: Harrison Neely,
Hamilton, NJ - Legislative District 14 Senate candidate, Ileana Schirmer slammed her opponent, Linda Greenstein, for continuing to remain silent on Day Three of the State government shutdown.
As many as 35,000 government workers are now furloughed due to the shutdown. Governor Christie has publicly stated they should not count on receiving retroactive pay.
"Our district has the largest number of public employees in New Jersey,” Schirmer said. "Linda Greenstein is getting paid by taxpayers not to vote during this shutdown, but she doesn't have the courage to make sure her own constituents get paid. That is completely unacceptable."
“Shame on the governor and shame on senators like Linda who are letting real people pay the price for their cowardice. If she won’t advocate for us, someone has to. That’s why I am calling for retroactive pay for all furloughed public employees who have been forced to stay at home during this politically-motivated shutdown,” Schirmer added.
Schirmer has been a vocal advocate for all New Jersey families and taxpayers throughout the budget battle. Unlike Linda Greenstein, Schirmer has publicly opposed the Horizon bill that could have driven up healthcare costs for millions of people. She has called on legislators to come together and act to end the shutdown for the sake of the people they were elected to serve.
“Linda Greenstein continues to display an inexcusable lack of leadership,” Schirmer said. “She has missed critical committee votes and has refused to speak out against the Horizon bill, which would have had a devastating impact on millions of New Jerseyans, including many families in her own district. She clearly doesn’t have the courage to fight for the taxpayers in Legislative District 14. We will remember in November.”