Schwager, Chung & Hausmann: LD39 Incumbents Cardinale, Schepisi and Auth Must Withdraw Shameful Attack Ad

Contact: Andrew Edelson, (201) 926-7249


Schwager, Chung & Hausmann: LD39 Incumbents Cardinale, Schepisi and Auth Must Withdraw Shameful Attack Ad


WESTWOOD – Legislative District 39 candidates Linda Schwager, Jannie Chung and Annie Hausmann today called for the campaign of Gerald Cardinale, Holly Schepisi and Robert Auth to remove a shameful attack ad from the airwaves. The stunningly cruel ad is a new low in negative campaigning – a deeply personal attack on a candidate, her family, and the hardship resulting from their struggle to keep their prematurely-born child alive.


“It is disgusting that Cardinale, Schepisi and Auth’s campaign would stoop so low as to attack a mother for doing everything within her power to ensure the health and survival of her young child,” said Jannie Chung, candidate for Assembly. “What type of people would be so desperate as to politicize a family’s hardship and make a campaign issue out of a parent’s struggle to save their child’s life? Together, my running mates and I call on them to do the right thing and immediately withdraw this extremely hurtful and dishonorable attack ad.”


The shameful ad attempts to criticize Assembly candidate Jannie Chung, who is running alongside Linda Schwager and Annie Hausmann, candidates for Senate and Assembly, respectively. What the ad neglects to mention is that Chung’s son was born prematurely at 28 weeks. After doctors told Chung that her son had a 30% chance of survival, the baby spent the next hundred days under the care of the hospital’s Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). Chung’s insurance only covered 85% of the cost of medical bills totaling more than $1 million, leaving her and her family with an unexpected and unbearable financial burden.


“I understand first-hand how difficult it is to raise a new family when costs rise every year,” Chung added. “Linda, Annie and I are committed to a campaign that sticks to the issues that matter to the people of the 39thdistrict – including making our state a more affordable place to live for all residents.”



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