Monday, March 19, 2018
Contact: Morris County Women’s Republican Club
Phone: 973-590-8883
More than 100 Republicans Expected to Attend Protecting the 2nd Amendment Talk
MORRISTOWN, NJ: MCWRC is pleased to announce that Scott Bach will be delivering the Keynote Address at the Annual Spring Brunch on Sunday, April 8th.
Scott Bach is Executive Director of the Association of New Jersey Rifle & Pistol Clubs and New Jersey's only sitting member of the NRA Board of Directors. A gun rights leader in the most hostile territory imaginable for nearly two decades, Scott has redefined the meaning of "relentless" as he has repeatedly beaten the odds, often leaving NJ gun-ban politicians stunned, embarrassed, and defeated. Often demonized in the liberal media, and sometimes the target of death threats from those who preach "tolerance," Scott leads one million gun owners, hunters, sportsmen, and sportswomen in the Garden State. He lives in Morris County.
MCWRC President Angelique Scholl said:
“At a time in our country when our Second Amendment rights are being threatened and the political climate is more polarizing than ever, Morris County is leading the way with civil discourse on this incredibly important topic. Our elected leaders, volunteers, and members are as enthused as ever to protect our freedoms and revitalize the Republican Party in New Jersey.”
More than 100 Republican women and local elected leaders are expected to attend the Annual Brunch. The event follows a Campaign School co-sponsored by NJGOP and the Morris County Young Republicans, to teach prospective candidates and operatives about the nuts and bolts of running a successful campaign.
Scholl also shared:
“We are committed to electing more female leaders at the municipal, county, state, and federal levels; and it was inspiring to see so many new faces at the campaign school. When women are at the table, we work towards solutions and make a difference on the issues. Morris County now has a female majority Freeholder Board and our dedicated volunteers and party are working to make sure we bring all Republicans across the finish line in November.”
The Spring Brunch will be held at the Spring Brook Country Club at 9 Spring Brook Road in Morristown, New Jersey. Advanced registration is required at
The Morris County Republican Women’s Club is one of the largest clubs in the New Jersey Federation of Republican Women. MCWRC is also part of the National Federation of Republican Women. MCWRC’s mission is to advocate, promote, educate and maintain the strength and diversity of the Republican Party; as well as to secure political leadership positions for women by providing financial, moral, and participatory support.
If you would like more information about the event or to set up an interview with a Morris County Republican elected women or female Republican operative, please call Angelique Scholl at 973-590-8883 or email