Scutari and Coughlin Urge Governor to Block Toll Increases

Scutari and Coughlin Urge Governor to Block Toll Increases

TRENTON – Senate President Nick Scutari and Assembly Speaker Craig Coughlin issued the following joint statement urging Governor Murphy to block the proposed toll increases for the New Jersey Turnpike and the Garden State Parkway by vetoing the minutes from Tuesday’s meeting of the Turnpike Authority that include the proposals:


“Investing in New Jersey's vital transportation infrastructure is critical to our economic growth. But as New Jersey families have been struggling with the effects of inflation, we have focused tirelessly on easing their burdens and ensuring affordability. Accordingly, we call on Governor Murphy to veto as much of the minutes as necessary to stop any toll hikes prior to the enactment of the Authority’s 2024 budget.”



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