Sean Earlen Elected Burlington County GOP Chairman, Linda Hughes Elected Vice-Chairwoman

Sean Earlen elected County Chairman, 

Linda Hughes elected County Vice-Chairwoman.


Mount Holly, December 17, 2018 – At a recent meeting of the Burlington County Republican County Committee, Sean Earlen was unanimously elected Chairman and Linda Hughes was elected Vice-Chairwoman due to the resignations of Bill Layton and Pat Benedetti.

“I am honored to have the unanimous support of the County Committee but I would be remiss if I didn’t first thank Bill and Pat for their leadership over the last eleven years. I am looking forward to working with party officials, activists and elected officials of all ages to retain our two State Assembly seats in LD-8, County Sheriff and current Freeholder seat in addition to wining back a Freeholder seat and picking up two State Assembly seats in LD-7.” – Chairman Sean Earlen

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