Senate Approves Van Drew Bill to Expand Home Health Care Options

Senate Approves Van Drew Bill to

Expand Home Health Care Options


TRENTON – Legislation sponsored by Senator Jeff Van Drew, which would expand the option of a governmental home health care agency to partner with non-governmental providers to deliver health care services, was approved by the Senate today.


“When a governmental home health care agency cannot meet the demand to provide adequate health care services, they should be able to partner with a nursing service in order for more people to have the proper care they need at home,” said Senator Van Drew (D-Atlantic/Cape May/Cumberland).


The bill, S-1373, would permit a county or municipal government, which is the licensed operator of a home health agency, to contract with a non-governmental entity which is licensed as a home health care agency. The non-governmental entity would provide direct services, administration and financial services on behalf of the governmental home health care agency. Any such contractual arrangement would be subject to approval by the Department of Health.


The bill came about after issues arose from the Cape Regional Hospital in Cape May County where there was a nurse shortage due to its location in the state.


The bill was released from Senate by a vote of 40-0.


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