Senate Health and Higher Ed Committees to Hold Hearing on Hunger & Nutrition in NJ Colleges & Universities


Senate Health and Higher Ed Committees to Hold Hearing on Hunger & Nutrition in NJ Colleges & Universities

TRENTON – The Senate Health, Human Services and Senior Citizens Committee and the Senate Higher Education Committee will hold a joint meeting to discuss hunger and nutrition in New Jersey’s institutions of higher education.

The committee will hear testimony from invited guests from colleges and universities across New Jersey on the issues surrounding hunger on college campuses and how many students are finding it difficult to meet their basic nutritional needs. Those testifying will include students, professors, advocates, nutritionists and other representatives from:

·         Rutgers University

·         Montclair State University

·         Bergen Community College

·         New Jersey Anti-Hunger Coalition

·         American Heart Association

·         Temple University

“Food insecurity undermines the educational success of students in our public schools, and that’s why we have programs that provide free or reduced price breakfast and lunch programs for public school children in grades K through 12 who come from low-income families,” said Senator Joseph F. Vitale (D-Middlesex), chair of the Senate Health Committee. “But we often overlook another population for which a balanced, nutritious diet is just as integral to their success, and that is our college and university students. Food pantries are popping up at colleges across New Jersey, and it’s time we have a conversation about the real issue of hunger in our state.”

“There is no doubt that hunger has a direct and profound impact on learning; you can’t pass your next exam if you’re hungry or don’t know where your next meal will come from. And with the evolving demographics in higher education today, we must closely examine the magnitude of the hunger problem and examine ways to alleviate the issue in New Jersey,” said Senator Sandra B. Cunningham (D-Hudson), chair of the Senate Higher Education Committee. “As a society, we can’t let students who worked hard to get to college jeopardize their chances of success because they can’t eat. The sooner we openly discuss this rising problem among college students, the sooner we can find a workable solution together.”

The joint committee meeting will be held on Monday, February 27, 2017, at 11:00 AM in Committee Room 4, First Floor, State House Annex, Trenton, New Jersey.

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