Senate to Hold Third Hearing on the ‘Water Quality Accountability Act’



Senate to Hold Third Hearing on the ‘Water Quality Accountability Act’

Trenton – The Senate Community and Urban Affairs Committee will hold its third hearing on the “Water Quality Accountability Act” (WQAA) that will focus on the impact and effectiveness of the law that provides oversight of the public water systems in New Jersey.

The Senate Community and Urban Affairs Committee will meet at 10:00 A.M., on September 25, 2019, in Committee Room 4 on the 1st Floor in the State House Annex.

The Senate committee hearing will take testimony and collect data to help determine what improvements are needed to the law to enhance accountability and transparency.

The participants in the hearing will be:

·         John Hildabrant, President Aqua New Jersey

·         Emad Sidhom, Director of Engineering & Craig O’Connell, Director of Utility Operations Suez Water

·         Michael Drulis & Richard Calbi Chair of Drinking Water Coalition of NJ, Drinking Water Coalition of NJ

·         Ed DeFiglia Program Manager, Jersey Waterworks

·         Steven Blankenship & Chris Andreasen, Director American Water Works Association of NJ

·         Dr. Daniel Van Abs, Rutgers University

·         Jeff Tittel, Director of Sierra Club

·         David Pringle, Clean Water Action

The WQAA, enacted in 2017, established new requirements to improve the safety, reliability, and oversight of water systems in New Jersey.

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