
Bipartisan legislation led by Gopal, Senator Weinberg, Senator Corrado, Assemblywoman Pintor Marin, and Assemblywoman Munoz – once passed will be first in the nation

TINTON FALLS – Today, Senator Vin Gopal has announced that his legislative office has created a working group in order to make the pending campaign harassment legislation more inclusive and survivor focused.

“It will be important to make sure that the young women who have their experiences on the campaign trail help shape this legislation. I want to thank those members who have agreed to serve on this working group to help shape this legislation so it is the best possible,” stated Senate Majority Leader Loretta Weinberg

“In order to make this bill survivor focused, inclusive, and just, I believe it is essential for this bill to be shaped by and accountable to members of those communities who most often experience these issues, “stated Gopal

This working group will be co-chaired by Tiffany Kaszuba and Mary Pat Angelini.  Ms. Kaszuba recently ran for the Democratic Nomination for Congress in the 4th District, and has years of experience in federal and local politics. Mrs. Angelini served 8 years in the General Assembly and runs a major nonprofit organization that combats bullying and harassment. She served as Deputy Republican Conference Leader in the Assembly.

“At a time when it is critical to ensure women are adequately represented in government and the political process, we cannot allow the conditions that silence their voices, discourage their involvement or threaten their physical safety or professional futures to persist. I am gratified that my experience has helped to raise awareness about this issue. I am looking forward to working with Mary Pat and other stakeholders to make sure this bill includes provisions that would prevent and address experiences like mine and protect every future person working on a political campaign,” stated Kaszuba.
“We need to make sure that no one is ever harassed or bullied on a political campaign and that proper mechanisms are in place. I look forward to working with everyone to make sure this is a reality,” stated Angelini

Members of the Working Group

Tiffany Kaszuba – Co-Chair
Mary Pat Angelini – Co-Chair
Christine Hanlon (Monmouth County Clerk) – Member
Jeanette Hoffman (Republican Activist & Operative) – Member
Jess Alaimo (Democratic Activist & Operative) – Member
Tracy Buckley (Tinton Falls Council President) – Member
Tiffany Miller (Board of Education Member, Former Council Candidate, Anti Sex-Trafficking Advocate & Psychotherapist) – Member
Juanita Lewis (Former Red Bank Councilwoman and Board of Education Member) – Member
Randy Bishop (Former Neptune Twp. Mayor and Former Assembly Candidate, LGBT Activist) – Member
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