Sheriff Saudino Must Go Says Barranco

The following statement was issued by Christian Barranco, founder of the New Jersey Rough Riders Society

The racist and meanspirited comments attributed to Bergen County Sheriff Mike Saudino that were reported in yesterday’s newspaper are very troubling coming from a man who is sworn to protect our communities and follow the law.

However, I cannot say that I am shocked but I am disappointed in Saudino’s remarks. I think they reflect the character of a man who has gamed the system to reward himself and his friends – and not to benefit the people he serves.

Mr. Saudino parlayed his extravagant pension as chief of a tiny police force in Emerson into a $130,000 a year pension, and coupled that with a $138,000 a year salary as sheriff – to take home more than $268,000 a year plus benefits

Saudino also hired a posse of four undersheriffs who are double-dippers. Together, the five officials rake in about $1.1 million a year.
Saudino represents what is wrong with New Jersey’s public employee culture that is strangling hard working taxpayers.
To keep his lavish salary coming in, Saudino switched parties in 2016 jumping from the Republican Party to the Democratic Party, believing he stood a better chance of re-election on the line with Hillary Clinton than he did with Donald Trump.
Mr. Saudino is obviously a man of few if any convictions and no loyalty to his office, except for the paycheck he it brings him.
He deserves to be fired by the governor if he does not step down.

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