Sheriff Shaun Golden's Statement Regarding Governor Murphy's Tax Evasion Scheme

Monmouth County Sheriff Shaun Golden, also the Chairman of the Monmouth Republican Party, issued the following statement following Governor Phil Murphy's event promoting his federal tax evasion scheme in Marlboro:

"The problem for New Jersey's overburdened taxpayers originates in Trenton, not with President Trump's historic income tax reforms.  New Jersey's ridiculously high income tax and property taxes are the problem.  Governor Murphy's scheme to classify property taxes as voluntary charitable contributions is a shell game that, in the unlikely event it is ruled legal, will further complicate a tax system that badly needs to be simplified.  Governor Murphy's scheme will not solve New Jersey's tax burden.
"Over the last ten years in Monmouth County, we have reduced spending by 7%, reduced the number of County employees by 25% and improved the quality of services provided to our residents while keeping their tax burden flat.  Our state government needs the type of reform that we have demonstrated is possible.
"I urge Governor Murphy to stop campaigning against President Trump and get to work governing New Jersey.  Monmouth County's leaders stand ready to help.
"It is fitting that the Governor chose to release this ill conceived plan with Marlboro Mayor Hornick as the mayor opted out of the countywide revaluation plan , meaning taxpayers across Monmouth subsidize the tax bill in Marlboro as home values have increased while not paying fair share  - but then again I guess Mayor Hornick calls that charity . "

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