Sherrill Slams Congressional Plan To Make SALT Cap Permanent

Hits Webber for supporting original tax hike bill that capped the SALT deduction
Today, Navy helicopter pilot and former federal prosecutor Mikie Sherrill slammed the congressional plan to make the $10,000 cap on the state and local tax deduction permanent.
The first iteration of the tax hike bill hurt New Jersey more than any other state in the country and a key cause of the financial pain is the capping of the state and local tax deduction, a major tax break that saves Garden State families thousands of dollars per year. Incredibly, 20 of our 21 counties have average SALT deductions above the $10,000 cap.
Sherrill’s opponent, career politician Jay Webber, supports the tax hike bill..
“Once again, Washington Republicans are seeking to punish New Jersey taxpayers and to make the cap on the state and local tax deduction permanent,” said Sherrill. “Assemblyman Webber put his party ahead of our community when he supported the original plan which capped the SALT deduction, exploded the deficit, put a debt burden on our children and still threatens the future of Social Security and Medicare. Voters know that I will support comprehensive tax reform that provides relief to New Jersey families, and that I’ll oppose plans like these that do the opposite.”