Sherrill Stands With Women, Webber Won’t

Sherrill Stands With Women, Webber Won’t

Fairfield, NJ — In a year in which women across the political spectrum are engaging in the midterm elections at record levels, the 11th District of New Jersey deserves a Representative who will fight to protect and further women’s rights and issues important to women. It is plain to see that Mikie Sherrill is that candidate, and Assemblyman Jay Webber is not.

Assemblyman Webber has shown both disregard and disrespect for the rights of women throughout his time in the State Assembly. His record proves that he will not advocate for women if elected to Congress. This is a stark contrast to Mikie Sherrill, who supports equal pay for equal work, will protect a woman’s right to choose, will fight to strengthen the background check system and keep guns out of the hands of domestic abusers, and will support working families by supporting paid family leave.

“Assemblyman Webber has worked hard to restrict women’s rights and healthcare,” said Mikie Sherrill. “Women make up 51 percent of the 11th District, and they deserve better than a politician who puts his own ideological agenda above their health and well-being. In Congress, I will work to protect women’s hard-won rights and advocate for women’s issues wherever I can.”

Just some of Assemblyman Webber’s votes and statements against women’s rights are as follows:

  • Jay Webber was one of two members of the state legislature to vote against equal pay for equal work. (S104, 2018)

  • Jay Webber repeatedly voted against restoring funding to provide health care services to thousands of women across the state. (S120, 2018) (S2139, 2010) (A3274, 2010)

  • Jay Webber “takes a no-exceptions stance” against a woman’s right to choose. (Insider NJ)

  • Jay Webber repeatedly voted against requiring domestic abusers with restraining orders to surrender guns to law enforcement. (S805, 2016) (A4218, 2015)

  • Jay Webber voted against paid leave for new mothers and people caring for sick family members. (A873, 2008)

The contrast in priorities is clear to see:

Mikie Sherrill

Assemblyman Jay Webber

Equal Pay for Equal Work



(S104, 2018)

Funding Reproductive Health Services



(S120, 2018; S2139, 2010; A3274, 2010)

Protecting domestic abuse victims from gun violence



(S805, 2016; A4218, 2015)

Paid Family Leave



(A873, 2008)

Supporting Female and Minority Business Owners



(A1026, 2018; A1451, 2017; A4669, 2017)

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