Sierra Club: 100% Renewable Goals Blocked by Nuclear Subsidies

100% Renewable Goals Blocked by Nuclear Subsidies


The Sierra Club is opposed to A1823 (Eustace) requires, by energy year 2035, all electric power sold in NJ by each electric power supplier and basic generation service provider be from Class I renewable energy sources We support instead S3433 (Codey) that requires that, by energy year 2050, all electric power sold in NJ by each electric power supplier and basic generation provider be from Class I renewable energy sources. New Jersey Sierra Club Director Jeff Tittel released the following statement:


“Our goal of 100% renewable energy will be high-jacked by the nuclear subsidies bill. The same can be said for any other renewable energy goal, including 100% by 2035 proposed by the Eustace bill. Not only do we believe that this goal is unrealistic and undermines Governor Murphy’s goal of 100% renewable energy by 2050, but we believe that our focus right now should be on stopping the nuclear subsidy bill. This is because if passed, it will block our goal of 100% renewable energy. The money would not only be siphoned off, but it would tie Governor Murphy’s hands when it comes to stronger renewable energy goals.


“Unless we stop nuclear subsidy bill, it doesn’t matter which goal we support. What we should really be doing to fight climate change is setting strong renewable energy goals including 100% renewable by 2050 and 3500 MW of offshore wind. In order to get to 100% renewable, we must make sure that carbon pays its true cost to environment and society. This is why we need to go back into RGGI with a carbon tax. We strongly believe that polluters should pay, not the people, as we transition to stronger economy.”

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