Sierra Club: Another Hearing, Another Nightmare Summer for Commuters

Another Hearing, Another Nightmare Summer for Commuters

Today the Senate Transportation Committee and the Assembly Transportation and Independent Authorities Committee are holding a joint meeting to receive testimony from invited guests concerning rail passenger service provided by the New Jersey Transit Corporation.  Jeff Tittel, Director of the New Jersey Sierra Club, released the following statement:

“It’s déjà vu all over again. We’re having the same hearings about the same terrible problems as last year later. Last year was the Summer of Hell for commuters and this year is even worse. Now it’s news if someone gets to Penn Station on time. We need a comprehensive plan and stable funding to actually fix NJ’s transportation instead of just holding hearings. We also need to fix reliability and safety issues to increase ridership. We need to have the Governor and the Legislature to actually put together plans to solve these problems that have gone on too long.

“The way NJ Transit runs currently has commuters feeling an unfair burden of increased costs than motorists. Services have gone down while there are more delays and breakdowns. The people of New Jersey are paying more to drive cars and are stuck in traffic longer, causing more pollution and traffic for all of us. It also pushes people out of mass transit and onto the roads that we don’t have money to fix. It is outrageous that instead of considering a gas tax, the state has consistently turned to transit riders and employees to fix their deficits. We once had one of the best transit systems in the country, but the Christie Administration’s mismanagement and failure to fund transportation almost ruined it. We keep having more hearing but is anyone in leadership actually listening?

“The Murphy Administration needs to invest in saving NJ Transit from the mess it has become. Not only must we fund the Transportation Trust Fund, but we must be sure we are doing everything possible to secure federal funding. New Jersey has the worst smog and air pollution in the nation from car and truck pollution. Public transportation can help us get cars off the road and reduce air pollution and greenhouse gasses. However, the wheels are falling off the bus when it comes to NJ Transit. We need to fix this broken system and get NJ Transit moving again. Last year it was Christie’s problem and now it’s Murphy’s problem/ He’s committed to fixing our transit and now he needs to do it.”


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