Sierra Club: BPU Must Promote Clean Energy and Stop Fossil Fuels

BPU Must Promote Clean Energy and Stop Fossil Fuels

Today the New Jersey Sierra Club is attending the first of the additional hearings added by the BPU to gather comments on the New Jersey Energy Master Plan (EMP). New Jersey Sierra Club Director Jeff Tittel released the following statement:

“This Energy Master Plan will lay the ground work for New Jersey’s energy future when it comes to clean and dirty energy. That’s why it’s incredibly important for the BPU to create a plan that is strong on promoting renewable energy and bold on rejecting fossil fuels. New Jersey is being threatened by power plants, pipelines, and other fossil fuel infrastructure at all ends of the state. We need a moratorium on new natural projects, especially these mega power plants, if we really want to move towards clean energy and reducing our greenhouse gas emissions.

“We also need a moratorium on other fossil fuel infrastructure connected to these plants. These power plants will need natural gas pipelines like South Jersey Gas, PennEast, and Rivervale South. The three proposed powerplants in New Jersey would connect to major pipelines. The Diamond Generating Corp’s proposed gas power plant would connect to the Rivervale South pipeline, The Musconetcong Power Plant would connect to PennEast Pipeline, and the BL England plant would connect to the South Jersey Gas pipeline.  All of these pipelines threaten the health, safety, and environment of New Jersey.

“Governor Murphy must also put a moratorium on natural gas power plants. There are currently five new proposals for gas-fired power plants, including a mega one in the Meadowlands. These plants would undermine our efforts to reduce carbon emissions and transition to a clean energy future. This is because combined, they would emit over 5 million metric tons of greenhouses gases into our air. New Jersey’s greenhouse gas emissions have already risen from 3-5% in the last year. More power plants will not only pollute our air and water but seriously undermine our efforts to reach our renewable energy goal of 100% clean energy by 2050.

“We do not need any more natural gas in New Jersey and we definitely don’t need any of the pollution, habitat loss, or health effects that come with them. Air pollution can cause asthma attacks and put people with heart problems, lung problems or children at risk. This is especially important for Environmental Justice communities, who already see a disproportionate amount of pollution and climate change impacts. We must design an EMP that targets reductions in GHG to these communities, as well as the creation of green jobs.

“Since 2005, the NJDEP has had the authority to regulate greenhouse gases and carbon under the New Jersey Air Pollution Control Act and through Title V permits. The Department’s determination is based on compelling scientific evidence of existing and projected adverse impacts due to climate change on the environment, ecosystems, wildlife, human health, and enjoyment of property in the State. This will allow us to go after existing permitting facilities to force them to reduce CO2 as well as blocking other proposed facilities. Under Title V, we can start reducing emissions from these facilities as we work towards zero-carbon and 100% renewable energy by 2050.

“We need to jumpstart renewable energy projects by approving first and planning for them later. This is because we’re being swamped with fossil fuel infrastructure proposals and must be making real efforts to establish clean energy such as solar and wind power statewide. If these power plants are built, we will never be able to have a real cap on greenhouse gasses because their combined emissions will blow right through any goals. Then we won’t reach Governor Murphy’s 100% clean energy goals by 2050. Instead we need Murphy to put moratorium on new power plants and a cap on existing ones. We are planning for the future that we can’t get to unless we deny these natural gas power plant projects.”

“We need to phase out fossil fuels and instead move forward on renewable energy. New Jersey must also move quickly to prevent a crash in our solar Renewable Energy Credit market which could happen a year from now. The cost-cap on renewable energy sources must be removed or else we could be blocked from reaching our RPS target in 2020. This is especially true for solar power. We are concerned that we’ll never reach the goal of 100% renewable energy by 2050 without a strong, more sustainable solar program, including community solar and expanded net metering.”

“Under the new nuclear subsidy law, our SREC solar program will end a year from now because there will be no solar credits. This could lead to a collapse of the solar industry and threaten up to 7,000 jobs. According to OLS, in 2020 we will hit the cost cap on renewable energy that will block our Renewable Portfolio Standard from going forward that year. There is a cap on renewable energy but no cap on coal, nuclear, gas, or pipelines. Governor Murphy is moving forward with the Energy Master Plan renewable goals by 2050 but unless he will change these laws, we will never get there.

“BPU need to move New Jersey forward towards a green economy so we can meet Governor Murphy’s 100% clean energy goals. Our state used to be a leader in innovation and transportation and can be again in clean transportation. BPU can jumpstart our EV technology so that New Jersey can become energy efficient and save money doing it. We can be a leader nationally in clean energy and clean energy jobs if we aggressively move forward with renewable energy such as solar, wind, and geothermal and reduce natural gas.”

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