Sierra Club: Christie’s Offshore Drilling Statement Doesn’t Go Far Enough

Contact: Jeff Tittel, NJ Sierra Club, 609-558-9100


Christie’s Offshore Drilling Statement Doesn’t Go Far Enough


The Christie Administration made comments today opposing offshore drilling off New Jersey's coast. In the comments, the DEP Commissioner Bob Martin said “the State of New Jersey opposes any portion of the North and Mid-Atlantic Ocean being included in the development of a National Outer Shelf Oil and Gas Leasing Program.” These comments are good, but without opposing oil and gas drilling throughout the Atlantic Ocean, New Jersey could still be put at risk from pollution and climate impacts. While President Obama made efforts to protect our oceans, the Trump Administration is pushing forward with seismic testing and ultimately, offshore drilling in the Atlantic Ocean, Gulf of Mexico, and Arctic Ocean. The 45-day comment period on Trump’s plans ends tomorrow. With this plan, Trump is clearly threatening New Jersey's $38 billion coastal economy, destroying our ecosystem and fisheries. Jeff Tittel, Director of the New Jersey Sierra Club released the following statement:


“The Christie Administration is finally speaking about offshore drilling, but that may not go far enough to protect our beaches. The DEP’s comments are short-sided because they have really made it easier for Trump to drill off our coast. It is good that they are coming out the offshore drilling plan in the North and Mid-Atlantic, but we could still be at risk from pollution and climate impacts if they drill in other areas. If  Governor Christie really wanted to stop this disastrous plan, they should be getting the Attorney General to go to Court against Trump. Instead, our Governor is clearly holding the people of New Jersey hostage to his political vendetta. In 2011, the Governor vetoed the Liquified Natural Gas export facility off our coast, but when the proposal came back in 2015 he kept quiet because of his national political ambitions. This shows this press release is more about public relations than any real effort to stop offshore drilling. All along Governor Christie has cared more about the fossil fuel industry than the safety and environment of New Jersey.”


“Christie says does not support the industrialization of our coasts, but what is he going to do to stop these federal actions that endanger our entire state? In 2015, he sued against seismic testing that will lead to offshore drilling, but since President Trump has come into office he has done nothing to protect us. He was also opposed to offshore drilling, but hasn't done anything to block it. This shows he is only against offshore drilling and seismic testing when it is not President Trump initiating his dangerous and reckless plans.  The problem is by not coming out against offshore drilling all together, our state could still be at risk from a spill or explosion if they send oil from Florida up to New Jersey by pipeline. If they drill in the Gulf of Mexico or off of Florida, we will still see climate impacts threatening people and property.”


“With Trump’s offshore drilling plan, he is targeting our coasts for oil and gas drilling. He’s siding with Big Oil and Gas and taking the first steps towards offshore drilling. They are ignoring the wishes of millions of Americans and the plans of the Obama Administration by moving forward with offshore drilling. These dangerous and greedy actions will seriously threaten our $38 billion coastal economy, destroy our ecosystem and fisheries, while harming people who live along the coast. These type of seismic testing is not only dangerous on its own, but it will lead to offshore drilling that could threaten our coasts even more. The Sierra Club has gone to court against drilling but why hasn’t Governor Christie? Christie says he will support our coasts but what is has he done? Where’s Christie and the Attorney General now?”


“At the same time, the Christie Administration are keeping dangerous rules in tact that would allow for offshore drilling. In the newly proposed Coastal Zone Management Rules there is language that allows offshore oil and gas ports off our coast. Instead of removing part of the rule that allows offshore oil exploration, they are keeping it, which puts us at even greater threat to Trump’s offshore drilling plans along our coast. This shows what Commissioner Martin is saying is more spin because they haven’t taken any serious steps to protect us.”


“While other states are moving forward with offshore wind, New Jersey is being left in the wind. Our Governor has held offshore wind hostage because of his national political ambitions. This is hurting our economy and preventing green jobs and clean energy from being a reality. The problem is it also prevents us from blocking areas for future offshore drilling like nearby states are doing like Maryland. By Governor Christie not moving forward, he is actually putting our coast at risk to Trump’s plans for drilling off our coast.”


“Instead of listening to the public and states who opposes offshore drilling, Trump is continuing the fossil foolishness of the past. We need to stand up to continue to protect our coasts because one quart of oil pollutes a million gallons of water so this is a serious threat. We have to explore new technologies for wind and wave power and remove obstacles that stand in the way of clean energy. We should be focusing on promoting safe and renewable energy like wind power and not opening up the Atlantic to drilling.”


The DEP press release can be found below:

IMMEDIATE RELEASE:                                   Contact: Lawrence Hajna     (609) 984-1795

August 16, 2017                                                                      Rob Geist                (609) 292-2994


(17/P82) TRENTON - In formal comments submitted today to the U.S. Department of the Interior's Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM), the Christie Administration affirmed its continued, steadfast opposition to natural gas and oil exploration in Atlantic Ocean waters off New Jersey, affirming that the State opposes any industrialization of our coast that could negatively impact natural resources, coastal communities or the economy.

The letter from Department of Environmental Protection Commissioner Bob Martin to BOEM was in response to a July 3 Federal Register notice soliciting comments on a proposed National Outer Continental Shelf Oil and Gas and Leasing Program. The planned five-year program would lease large tracts of underwater areas from Maine to Florida for oil and natural gas exploration, and potentially for future development.

"Weighing the potential negative impacts to New Jersey's natural resources, coastal communities, and economy with the potential for energy generation and current energy needs, the State of New Jersey opposes any portion of the North and Mid-Atlantic Ocean being included in the development of a National Outer Continental Shelf Oil and Gas Leasing Program," Commissioner Martin wrote in the letter to BOEM.

Since 2010, Governor Christie has repeatedly made clear his commitment to protecting the New Jersey coast, opposing any offshore energy exploration or development, including vetoing liquefied natural gas (LNG) facilities proposed to be located in our coastal waters. Governor Christie has consistently opposed such projects, citing the risks to New Jersey's residents, natural resources, economy and security.

"Governor Christie continues to demonstrate his commitment, year after year, to protecting our air, land, water, and natural and historic resources, and recognizes that the ocean is one of New Jersey's most valued treasures," said Commissioner Martin. "Energy exploration or facilities off our coast pose far too many unacceptable risks to our environment, to the safety and welfare of the State's residents, and to New Jersey's economy."

A copy of Commissioner Martin's letter to BOEM can be found at:<>
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