Sierra Club: We Congratulate Sheila Oliver: Phil Murphy’s Running Mate

Contact:  Jeff Tittel, Director, NJ Sierra Club, 609-558-9100


We Congratulate Sheila Oliver: Phil Murphy’s Running Mate


Assemblywoman and former Speaker Sheila Oliver has officially been announced as Phil Murphy’s running mate as Lieutenant Governor this Fall. Oliver, who is from East Orange, began serving on the General Assembly in 2004. She was speaker from 2010 to 2014. Jeff Tittel, Director of the New Jersey Sierra Club, has released the following statement:


“We want to congratulate Sheila Oliver for her new role as Phil Murphy’s running mate. We look forward to working with her on the campaign and we’ll be even more thrilled to be working with her as Lt. Governor on environmental issues. Oliver has a long history of being one of our strongest supporters in the Legislature when it comes to fighting for the environment. We believe she is an excellent candidate and would be an excellent Lt. Governor. We have endorsed her in almost every election for Legislature and we support her in this role too. Sheila Oliver has been a champion for environmental issues, whether it’s for clean air, protecting water, or cleaning up toxic sites. She has also been a strong advocate for environmental justice and women’s issues. We think she’s a great choice for this role and will be a real asset to New Jersey.


“We are proud to endorse both Phil Murphy and Sheila Oliver to lead our state for the next four years and to help New Jersey become a leader in environmental protections and clean energy once more. I’ve known Sheila Oliver and her family for a long time and am confident that she would be a environmental champion. Sheila Oliver also co-leads The Resistance Coalition, which the Sierra Club is part of, and aims to protect New Jersey from Trump Administration rollbacks. If elected, she will be a bold leader alongside Phil Murphy to stand up against any efforts by President Trump to put our communities or environment at risk.


“We have already endorsed Phil Murphy for Governor and are proud to endorse Sheila Oliver for Lieutenant Governor as well.”

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