Sierra Club End of Year Review- 2018
SC End of Year Review- 2018
As we look back at 2018, there have been some environmental progress but unfortunately not at the pace we had hoped for under the new Administration. We are more than 11 months into the Murphy Administration and they have not proposed any original rules, regulation, or standard at the Department of Environmental Protection. The Trump Administration is continuing his assault on the environment by rolling back critical rules that protect our clean air, clean water, and open space. Jeff Tittel, Director of the New Jersey Sierra Club, released the following statement:
“Despite the current threats to our environment, people are more engaged than ever. Increasing numbers of people have become more active by attending the Women’s March in Morristown, the March for Science in Trenton, and the March for Climate, Jobs, and Justice in several cities around the state. In New Jersey, we have had several victories to keep our water and air clean and public green space protected. We are also in ongoing battles to protect our environment that we will continue to fight in 2019.
“Some of our environmental success includes getting towns across the state to ban single use plastic. Almost 20 towns have bans or are working on banning plastic. Waterfront cities like Hoboken and Jersey City passed ordinances to ban single use plastics. We will continue working on a comprehensive plastic state ban. We have been successful in protecting our shore by getting a ban on smoking at beaches and state parks and a law that would prevent drilling in state waters.
“Finally, Governor Murphy got DEP to repeal Christie’s Highlands Septic Rule. A year ago, the legislature voted the Highlands Rule violated legislative intent and blocked the rule. It would have opened environmentally sensitive parts of the Highlands for development, caused more pollution in the area, and threatened the drinking water supply 6 mill in New Jersey. DEP to repeal Christie’s Highlands Septic Density Rule.
“New Jersey is also spending the $50 million of the $225 million Exxon Settlement Money that wasn’t stolen. We challenged this settlement because polluters need to clean up their mess and pay for the damages they’ve done. The bill however is too vague on where the money is going to go. We want to make sure the funding for restoration projects are going directly to areas impacted by Exxon.
“In a victory for preserving trees and promoting solar energy, the Jackson Twp. Planning Board approved the Six Flags solar park. The plan includes all of the conditions from the settlement that protect the environment. This makes this a win for clean energy, as well as the protection of open space. Now this project can go forward with a much-lessened impact than the original proposal: only 40 acres removed rather than close to 100 acre.
“We are fighting multiple battles to protect the integrity of New Jersey’s environment. We are in court challenging a BPU approval for NJNG’s Southern Reliability Pipeline. New Jersey Natural Gas received road permits for Ocean and Burlington County and are now out there digging up people’s lawn and putting a pipeline within feet of homes. We have asked for a stay by the BPU and Pinelands Commission because we believe they will cause irreparable harm by moving forward with the construction of their SRL pipeline. The New Jersey Sierra Chapter and the state of New Jersey are also suing the Trump Administration on his authorization for seismic testing in the Atlantic Ocean. Seismic testing is destructive on its own to mammals and fish but it will lead right to drilling.
“New Jersey came out blue with a green tide in this year’s midterm elections. Democratic incumbent, Senator Robert Menendez held onto his seat. Democrats including Mikie Sherill, Tom Malinowski, and possibly Andy Kim, took control of at least three of the state’s five GOP held congressional seats. The New Jersey Sierra Club endorsed 11 out of the 12 congressional candidates who came out on top. Democrats also swept dozens and dozens of county and local races. Most importantly our democratic incumbent, Congress Pallone can now lead as the new Chair of the House Commerce and Energy Committee.
“Last year, we thought It will be a new day when Governor-Elect Phil Murphy began. We were looking for a home run with the new administration but all we got was a bunt. We are in a climate crisis, but we are not moving forward on any new climate policies. The Murphy Administration has not withdrawn or reversed one of Christie’s previous rules and or rollbacks. DEP is using weakened rules like the Flood Hazard Rules, Waiver Rules, Stormwater Rules, and CAFRA rules and putting the environment and people more at risk. Christie’s appointees on the Highlands and Pinelands are still in charge of most of our environmental programs. Governor Murphy also has not lived up to his commitments against fracking and fracking waste in the Delaware River Basin or putting a moratorium on the bear hunt.
“We have recently formed a coalition of over 57 groups calling on Governor Murphy to put a moratorium on new fossil fuel infrastructure until we have the programs and standards in place to achieve our 100% clean energy goals. Our state can be a leader nationally in clean energy and clean energy jobs if we aggressively move forward with renewable energy.
“In 2019, we look forward to working with the state legislature and the Murphy Administration on EV infrastructure and technology. We can see the benefits of clean air and clean jobs if the we build a multi-state-wide network of charging stations, create green jobs, save people money on gas, and reduce air pollution. We also look forward on working with the legislature on a comprehensive state ban on single use plastics, polystyrene, Styrofoam, and plastic straws. Plastic waste has not only become and environmental problem, but a health problem too. Therefore, it is critical that we move forward on a statewide ban to reduce our plastic waste problem.
“In 2019, New Jersey can move forward renewable energy to create green jobs and a green economy, while stopping dirty power plants and other fossil fuel infrastructure from taking over the state. Let’s start the new year on the right track towards meeting Murphy’s 100% clean energy goals. Murphy still has time to change, but he needs to step up and take leadership in making New Jersey cleaner and greener.”--