Sierra Club Endorsements for 2017 Elections
Sierra Club Endorsements for 2017 Elections
The Sierra Club has announced its endorsements for the 2017 election Season. We have endorsed many New Jersey State Legislature candidates running in the November 7, 2017 election as well as Ambassador Phil Murphy for Governor, Mayor Steven Fulop in Jersey City, and Ballot Question #2.
“We are proud to endorse these candidates for election and re-election because they will stand up for the environment in New Jersey. We are confident these candidates will work with the next Governor to help push through Phil Murphy’s pro-environment agenda. We will need them to help pass important legislation on climate change, achieving 100 percent renewable by 2050, and overturning all of Governor Christie’s rollbacks and attacks on the environment. With all the threatens happening in Washington D.C., it is more important than ever to have legislators in New Jersey fighting to protect New Jersey’s environment,” said Jeff Tittel, Director of the New Jersey Sierra Club. “The incumbents we endorsed have proven their strong commitment to the environment and deserve to be re-reelected. The challengers we’ve picked we believed will do their job to protect the environment, unlike many of the incumbents that they’re running against.”
The New Jersey Sierra Club’s endorsement process involves mailing questionnaires to candidates of both major parties, an interview process, and voting by two different deliberative bodies within the Club to determine which candidates best meet their environmental standards. In particular, the Club looked at support for multiple issues this year including:
- Ensuring Parks Get Proper Funding
- Fighting Pipelines and Dirty Energy, including Frack Waste
- Establishing Renewable Energy Goals including Reaching 100% Renewable
- Moving Forward with Clean Water Protections
- Fighting the Privatization of the NJDEP
- Working to Remove Lead from our Schools
- Renewed Participation in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI)
“The complicated endorsement process is done by Sierra Club members themselves on the ground and includes questionnaires and interviews. Our endorsements are so coveted because they’re done by the people being represented and because we’re the nation’s oldest and largest environmental group. We have 20,000 members and 60,000 supporters in New Jersey and we have endorsed candidates that we think will best represent us and the environment,” said Jeff Tittel.
Sierra Club members and voters are encouraged to take particular notice of the races in Districts 2, 11, 16, 25, and 38, which are most likely to be close. Colin Bell, who is running for Senate District 2, would be a leader in the legislature for New Jersey’s environment. We are confident Bell will also be a strong advocate for protecting open space, cleaning up toxic sites, and preserving the Pinelands. We endorsed him and Assemblyman Vincent Mazzeo for District 2. We have also endorsed Vin Gopal who is running against Senator Jennifer Beck in the 11th legislative district. Vin Gopal has worked previously on restoring beach access in Monmouth County and making sure our public spaces are held in the Public Trust. Gopal plans to increase green jobs in the clean-energy sector that are a win-win for the economy and the environment.
Our endorsed candidates have been leaders on many different environmental issues. Assemblyman Tim Eustace (D-38) has been a champion on reducing climate change; he even drives a plug-in electric car. He is a strong supporter of the environment and we are proud to endorse him and Assemblyman Joseph Lagana for this election as well. Assemblyman Reed Gusciora led the battle for passage of the Clean Car Law. Assemblyman John McKeon has been instrumental in securing critical environmental protections and policies for the state including the Highlands Act and measures to clean up Barnegat Bay. Assemblyman Herb Conaway has been integral in fighting against contaminants in the water, specifically 1,2,3-trichloroprane, by writing a bill that would set a limit for how much of this dangerous substance is allowed in New Jersey’s drinking water. Assemblyman Jamel Holley has been an advocate for environmental justice and supports legislation to protect open space in urban areas.
“New Jersey used to be a national leader in environmental protections and now that Governor Christie is leaving we have a real chance to move forward once again. Under the current Administration, the DEP has rolled back important environmental protections and refused to acknowledge or incorporate the threats of climate change. These candidates will help protect us from future storm events by promoting reducing greenhouse gasses and switching our state to a green economy,” said Jeff Tittel. “The Sierra Club is endorsing legislators who we believe have been fighting for the people of the New Jersey. Many of them are champions of the environment and we are proud to endorse them for the work they have done and the work that they will do in the future. We support these new candidates who have shown their commitment to the environment by fighting for it at a local level. We hope to see them elected so they can continue to fight for it in the legislature as well.”
We proudly endorsed candidates who have a history of fighting against dirty energy and advocating for renewable energy and energy efficiency instead. Assemblyman Daniel Benson is a prime sponsor of A4224, which establishes renewable energy portfolio standards. Assemblywoman Mila Jasey has sponsored multiple pieces of legislation attempting to ban hydrofracking waste. Assemblywoman Nancy Pinkin and Senator Patrick Diegnan have bought fought against Pilgrim Pipeline and the Exxon settlement. Assemblywoman Elizabeth Muoio sponsored a resolution opposing the proposed PennEast Pipeline.
“What's so special about a Sierra Club endorsement? Our grassroots volunteer members decide on a candidate's qualifications. We question them. We interview them. We review their record and experience. This list includes a number of long-time public servants, but also many energetic first-time candidates that want to make a difference. We are proud to endorse this bi-partisan and diverse list of outstanding, environmentally-aware candidates,” said John Kashwick, Political Chair of the New Jersey Sierra Club.
The New Jersey Sierra Club is also proud to endorse Ambassador Phil Murphy for the 2017 New Jersey Gubernatorial Election. Murphy served as the U.S. Ambassador to Germany under President Obama. Before that, he served as Finance Chair of the Democratic National Committee. Phil Murphy has a strong national background working with Howard Dean and the Democratic National Committee. This shows that he has the capabilities and experience to run this state. His work in Germany, as well as the United States gives him a multi-national view of how to protect the environment. He has already spoken out against the abuses of the Trump Administration and against many of the decisions of Governor Christie.
“We are proud to announce our endorsement of Phil Murphy to be New Jersey’s next Governor. We believe that as Governor, he will bring a new vigor and energy to the Statehouse while enacting important environmental initiatives. We are confident that he will fight to protect our environment and our resources while fighting climate change. We believe that he will stand up to the rollbacks of the Trump Administration while promoting clean energy and protecting New Jersey from future storm events,” said Jeff Tittel. “We support Ambassador Murphy as Governor because for too long in New Jersey our system has been broken. There are too many insiders working with special interest and polluters to undermine the environment and climate change. This also undermines green jobs and impacts public health and it has to change. Phil Murphy recognizes that the environment of New Jersey must be protected for future generations and that the land and water belong to all of us.”
The Club has also endorsed Steven Fulop for Mayor of Jersey City. The Mayor has a long-standing record of supporting environmental and conservation issues in Jersey City and throughout New Jersey. Since he became Mayor in 2013, Fulop has stood up against rollbacks under the Christie Administration to protect clean water and climate change. He submitted comments against on Christie Administration’s rollbacks on climate change protections that cause flooding in urban areas. He also worked with us to comment advocate for resiliency plans that take sea level rise into account
“We are proud to endorse Steven Fulop for Mayor of Jersey City because he is one of the strongest leaders on the environment in New Jersey. This was a clear choice because Fulop has consistently shown a commitment to protecting our clean air, clean water, and Jersey City’s open spaces. Mayor Fulop was influential in helping close the PSEG Hudson Coal Power plant that was a huge threat to public health and contributor to climate change. Fulop also was a huge supporter in helping us win the victory against privatization of Liberty State Park,” said Jeff Tittel. “We have worked alongside Mayor Fulop on so many important issues. Mayor Fulop stood up to Governor Christie against his rollbacks in the Highlands that would pollute Jersey City’s drinking water. He has also been a strong supporter of moving Jersey City forward to 100 percent clean renewable energy. We look forward to continue to work together with Mayor Fulop to move Jersey City forward environmentally.”
The New Jersey Sierra Club is also encouraging everyone to vote “YES” on Ballot Question #2 to protect our environmental settlement funds. With Governor Christie’s current budget language, he can steal environmental settlements to plug budget holes and give tax breaks to the wealthy. As a result, the legislature put a constitutional dedication on the November Ballot, called Ballot Question #2 to ensure monies from environmental settlements would go to repair, preserve, replace, or preserve natural resources. Since, the Christie Administration has settled five major Natural Resource Damage settlements totaling $235 million from MTBE lawsuits. They are trying to settle these cases quickly before the referendum is passed. In total, there is more than $500 million available from all of the environmental settlements settled by the Christie Administration.
“We need people to vote Yes to block future administrations from robbing money for environmental clean ups. Communities in New Jersey have been victimized twice. Once by chemical spills and toxic pollution and twice by Governor Christie stealing environmental settlements. The legislature and voters are trying to put a stop to this. We need to stop the Great Environmental Heist,” said Jeff Tittel.
The Sierra Club is the nation’s oldest and largest grassroots environmental organization with over 3,000,000 members nationwide and 20,000 members in New Jersey.
“The Sierra Club endorsement is the environmental equivalent to the Good Housing Keeping Seal of Approval. These candidates not only have strong environmental records but have the commitment and dedication and have done the work to make New Jersey a better place. We also believe there are some very good challengers out there that will help move New Jersey forward by bringing in new ideas to make our state a better place environmentally,” said Jeff Tittel, Director of the New Jersey Sierra Club. “We are proud to endorse these candidates for the November 7th election and look forward to working with them in the new year.”
For State Senate | For General Assembly | ||
District 2 | Colin Bell (D) * | Vince Mazzeo (D) * | |
District 6 | Pamela R. Lampitt (D) * | ||
District 7 | Herb Conaway (D) * | ||
Carol Murphy (D) | |||
District 8 | George B. Youngkin (D) | Joanne Schwartz (D) | |
Maryann Merlino (D) | |||
District 10 | Jim Holzapfel (R) * | Dave Wolfe (R) * | |
District 11 | Vin Gopal (D) | Eric Houghtaling (D) * | |
Joann Downey (D) * | |||
District 12 | Robert D. Clifton (R) * | ||
District 13 | Sean F. Byrnes (D) | Tom Giaimo (D) | |
Mariel Didato (D) | |||
District 14 | Linda R. Greenstein (D) * | Daniel R. Benson (D) * | |
District 15 | Shirley K. Turner (D) * | Reed Gusciora (D) * | |
Elizabeth Maher Muoio (D) * | |||
District 16 | Kip Bateman (R) * | Andrew Zwicker (D) * | |
Roy Freiman (D) | |||
District 17 | Bob Smith (D) * | Joe Danielsen (D) * | |
District 18 | Patrick J. Diegnan Jr. (D) * | Nancy J. Pinkin (D) * | |
Robert J. Karabinchak (D) * | |||
District 19 | Joseph F. Vitale (D) * | Craig J. Coughlin (D) * | |
District 20 | Jamel C. Holley (D) * | ||
District 21 | Lacey Rzeszowski (D) | ||
District 22 | James J. Kennedy (D) * | ||
District 23 | Christine Lui Chen (D) | Laura Shaw (D) | |
Charles Boddy (D) | |||
District 24 | Kate Matteson (D) | ||
Gina Trish (D) | |||
District 25 | Lisa Bhimani (D) | Richard Corcoran (D) | |
Tom Moran (D) | |||
District 26 | Elliot Isibor (D) | ||
District 27 | Richard Codey (D) * | John F. McKeon (D) * | |
Mila M. Jasey (D) * | |||
District 28 | Ralph R. Caputo (D) * | ||
District 33 | Raj Mukherji (D) * | ||
District 34 | Thomas P. Giblin (D) * | ||
District 36 | Gary Schaer (D) * | ||
Marlene Caride (D) * | |||
District 37 | Loretta Weinberg (D) * | Valerie Vainieri Huttle (D) * | |
Gordon M. Johnson (D) * | |||
District 38 | Bob Gordon (D) * | Tim Eustace (D) * | |
Joseph A. Lagana (D) * | |||
District 39 | Linda H. Schwager (D) | Jannie Chung (D) | |
Annie Hausman (D) | |||
District 40 | Thomas Duch (D) | Paul Vagianos (D) | |
Christine Ordway (D) | |||
* denotes incumbent. If district does not appear or left blank, no endorsement was made in the race. | |||
A full list of endorsements can be found here: