Sierra Club Endorses Steven Fulop for Mayor of Jersey City, Activists Pledge to Throw Support Behind Environmental Champion
Contact Jeff Tittel, Director of the New Jersey Sierra Club, 609-558-9100
Sierra Club Endorses Steven Fulop for Mayor of Jersey City
Activists Pledge to Throw Support Behind Environmental Champion
The New Jersey Sierra Club announced our endorsement of Steven Fulop for Mayor of Jersey City. The Mayor has a long-standing record of supporting environmental and conservation issues in Jersey City and throughout New Jersey. The Sierra Club has nearly 23,000 members in New Jersey -- with close to 1000 members in Jersey City and over 3,000 supporters. New Jersey Sierra Club is the oldest, largest, and most respected environmental group in the nation. New Jersey, Sierra Club is committed to helping our endorsed candidates win various elections by contributing volunteers to the campaign, going door-to-door, making phone calls, helping with fundraising, and in other ways.
“We are proud to endorse Steven Fulop for Mayor of Jersey City because he is one of the strongest leaders on the environment in New Jersey. This was a clear choice because Fulop has consistently shown a commitment to protecting our clean air, clean water, and Jersey City’s open spaces. Mayor Fulop was influential in helping close the PSEG Hudson Coal Power plant that was a huge threat to public health and contributor to climate change. Fulop also was a huge supporter in helping us win the victory against privatization of Liberty State Park,” said Jeff Tittel, Director of the New Jersey Sierra Club. “We have worked alongside Mayor Fulop on so many important issues. Mayor Fulop stood up to Governor Christie against his rollbacks in the Highlands that would pollute Jersey City’s drinking water. He has also been a strong supporter of moving Jersey City forward to 100 percent clean renewable energy. We look forward to continue to work together with Mayor Fulop to move Jersey City forward environmentally.”
Since he became Mayor in 2013, Fulop has stood up against rollbacks under the Christie Administration to protect clean water and climate change. He submitted comments against on Christie Administration’s rollbacks on climate change protections that cause flooding in urban areas. He also worked with us to comment advocate for resiliency plans that take sea level rise into account.
“I am incredibly proud to receive this endorsement from the New Jersey Sierra Club and I know that we will continue to work together to find smart solutions to environmental issues facing Jersey City, and all of New Jersey,” said Mayor Fulop. “From open space preservation to working to reduce Jersey City’s carbon footprint, I know that local government can have an important impact on our environment, and I promise to continue fighting for a sustainable future each and every day.”
Mayor Fulop has opposed Christie's rollbacks in the Highlands septic rule that threaten Jersey City's water supply. Fulop even came out against Christie’s plans for residential development on piers on the Hudson River and environmentally sensitive areas.
“As Mayor, Fulop has been a clear environmental champion. He even supported the 80 percent renewable by 2050 bill in the state legislature and stood up against Christie’s withdraw of the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative. As a Councilman, we worked with him to oppose the Spectra Pipeline in Jersey City. We look forward to working with him in his second term on our Ready For 100 renewable energy campaign,” said Jeff Tittel. “Fulop created the Jersey City Open Space Fund, while helping the state fund money for city parks. Fulop helped support a requirement for polluters to do full clean-ups and make sure the monies from environmental settlements do not get stolen. He has been helpful in getting legislation to move forward on addressing lead in schools. We have also worked together in the Fight for a $15 minimum wage.”
The Sierra Club endorsement process is a two-step, volunteer-driven process. Endorsement requests originate on the local level, where candidates are thoroughly screened by environmental volunteers in the Hudson County Group. The state’s volunteer political committee then votes on whether to extend an endorsement.
“We are pleased to endorse Mayor Fulop for another term in Jersey City. Fulop has helped transform Jersey City into a clean and green city. He has been a strong advocate for the Obama Administration’s Clean Power Plan on the national level to tackle climate change. Here in the City, he helped Jersey City move forward with more bike sharing, greater bike and pedestrian safety, energy efficiency, and electric vehicles. We are proud to have worked alongside the Mayor on town halls, events, and so many issues to protect our environment,” said Ace Case, Group Chair of the Hudson County Sierra Club.”
The Sierra Club endorsement is the environmental equivalent to the Good House Keeping Seal of Approval.
“We are confident Mayor Fulop will continue to lead the fight to protect the environment in Jersey City and throughout New Jersey. Residents of Jersey City want leaders we can trust to protect the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the urban parks that we love. Mayor Fulop is one of our closest allies on these issues, and will lead the fight to improve our environment. We need Fulop in office to continue to be a strong advocate for protecting open space and cleaning up toxic sites,” said Jeff Tittel, Director of the New Jersey Sierra Club. “We are proud to endorse Mayor Fulop in this year’s election.”