Sierra Club: Fossil Fuel Ban Resolution Show Why We Need a Moratorium


NJ State Senate Smith and Senator Bateman have introduced a resolution, SCR197, to amend New Jersey’s constitution to include a ban on construction of any new fossil fuel power plants. If the resolution is passed in the legislature, it could be on the ballot for 2020 where voters will be asked during a general election if they want to approve the resolution or not.  Could be on ballot on 2020- two years to be approved

“The resolution is important to stop fossil projects, however for it to work, we need to have a moratorium. It will take close to two years for the resolution to be approved which means new proposed fossil fuel plants could be approved and built, making the vote meaningless.  We cannot wait because projects like the Meadowlands Power Plant, PennEast Pipeline, the NESE pipeline, and the SRL pipeline are pushing forward quickly. Many of these projects already have critical permits needed. The fossil fuel resolution shows we need a moratorium, we have to be unified in fighting all fossil fuel projects in the state,” said Jeff Tittel, Director of the New Jersey Sierra Club.

The Sierra Club along with 90 other organizations across the state have been leading the way to push for a moratorium on new fossil fuels projects. Empower NJ have been fighting over a dozen new proposed fossil fuel project all over the state. Some of these projects include the PennEast Pipeline, Southern Reliability Link (SRL) pipeline, Meadowlands Power Plant, Northeast Supply Enhancement Project (NESE), NJ Transit Power Plant, South Jersey Gas Pipeline, Phoenix Energy Center, and more.

“New Jersey needs immediate action to stop new fossil fuel projects. We are in a climate crisis, and a resolution is not timely enough. Governor Murphy needs to put a moratorium on new fossil fuel projects before the Pinelands are destroyed by the SRL pipeline, before preserved land and open space is receives an ugly scar from the PennEast Pipeline, and before the Meadowlands Power Plant becomes one of the largest GHG emitters in the state,” said Jeff Tittel, Director of the New Jersey Sierra Club. “We thank our legislators for stepping up to protect our clean air, water, and open space by prohibiting new fossil fuel projects, however still need Governor Murphy to put a moratorium on fossil fuels so we can vote on the resolution, otherwise his words on climate change are just more hot air. The clock is ticking, we need action now.”

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