Sierra Club: Gov. Murphy Speaks at Climate Panel Just More Hot Air

Gov. Murphy Speaks at Climate Panel Just More Hot Air  

Today, Governor Murphy will join other Governors at climate speech at the InterContinental New York Barclay. Hawaii, California, Washington D.C, New Mexico, Puerto Rico, Nevada, Washington, Maine, and New York have committed to 100% renewable energy. Statewide goals for 100% renewable energy range, Hawaii, New Mexico, Washington, California set theirs for 2045, Washington D.C is at 2032, Puerto Rico is 2050.

 “Today Governor Murphy will join 5 other Governors at a climate speech panel in New York. We are not sure what he has to say since the rest of the panel of Governors past legislation to get to 100% renewable energy and New Jersey does not. New Jersey is moving backwards when it comes to fighting climate change and reducing greenhouse gases. 7 states have committed to reaching 100% by 2050 or sooner and Washington and New York already have set goals of achieving zero carbon too. Those states are putting in programs to reduce GHG’s dramatically but New Jersey has not.  Meanwhile, Murphy wants to redefine clean energy to include natural gas, dirty incinerators, and more. The administration have failed to use their authority to protect the people of New Jersey from climate impacts,” said Jeff Tittel, Director of the New Jersey Sierra Club. “The Governor is trying to look like he is doing something about climate change, when he is not. Murphy’s talk is just a lot of hot air.”

DEP has so far failed to regulate CO2 emissions like other pollutants. That’s among the reasons a moratorium on the state’s 8 proposed pipelines, 6 power plants and an LNG port is so important. All of those projects must be halted at least until regulations on CO2 and GHGs are put in place. Empower NJ- No Fossil Fuel Coalition released a fact sheet rebutting Governor Murphy’s most recent position that he does not have this authority, which the Governor has pursuant to the State constitution, statute and precedent.

“While Murphy will sit and talk about climate change today, there are over a dozen proposed fossil fuel projects to be built in New Jersey. What’s even worse is that the Governor has the authority to put a moratorium on these projects but has denied his ability to do so. This is downright shameful, especially when there is clear precedent that 6 other Governors have used moratoriums to protect the environment. DEP has had the authority to regulate CO2 and GHGs since 2005, but has chosen not to use that authority,” said Tittel. “We are in a climate crisis and the Governor has decided not to use his own power he has to protect the people of New Jersey from climate change.”

The Sierra Club has serious concerns with Governor Murphy’s DRAFT EMP, including the failure to call for a moratorium on all fossil-fuel infrastructure projects in the state. If 15 proposed pipelines, power plants and LNG ports are built, greenhouse gases will increase 32% and block us from reaching 100% renewable energy.

“Governor Murphy has made a commitment for 100% clean energy by 2050 but instead of trying to meet that commitment, he has changed the definition of clean energy to dirty energy. He redefined clean energy to include natural gas, fossil fuel plants with carbon sequestration, nuclear power plants, incinerators, biomass, carbon credits and offsets. Calling this clean energy is like having a steak dinner and calling yourself a vegetarian. The new definition of clean energy in the EMP goes against the governor’s commitment to clean energy as well as the typical definition of clean energy as wind, solar, energy efficiency, hydro and geo-thermal.  It also doesn’t include impacts from natural gas pipelines, compressor stations, fugitive emissions, and ties us to continued reliance on nuclear,” said Tittel.

Thousands of people all across New Jersey have been rallying for action on climate change. and the best way for Governor Murphy to respond is with a moratorium on new fossil fuel projects. While in India, Governor Murphy tweeted, “Standing in solidarity with the young people around the world marching in today’s #ClimateStrike.”

 “Governor Murphy says he supports the climate strikers, but he doesn’t support the Green New Deal, 100% renewable energy, or zero carbon. He is not standing with them on issues. Murphy is one of the reasons why they are striking. Instead of more photo ops, Governor Murphy has to act and move forward to become a leader in combating climate change. He needs to listen to the 1,000s of New Jerseyans marching and protesting for climate change. We need a moratorium on all fossil-fuel projects in the state. We need to set a goal of 12,000 MW of offshore wind. We need real legislation to get us to 100% renewable by 2030 and zero carbon by 2050. The governor needs to step up and make these things happen, otherwise all his talk on climate change is just more hot air,” said Jeff Tittel, Director of the New Jersey Sierra Club. 

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