Sierra Club New Jersey Chapter Endorses Phil Murphy for Governor

Sierra Club New Jersey Chapter Endorses Phil Murphy for Governor

The Sierra Club New Jersey Chapter has announced their endorsement for Governor Phil Murphy for Re-Election. The Sierra Club is the nation’s oldest and largest grassroots environmental organization with over 80,000 members and supporters in New Jersey and more than 3.8 million nationwide.

Some of Governor Murphy’s environmental accomplishments during his first term includes signing one of the most comprehensive plastic bag bans in the nation, aggressively moving towards his offshore wind goal of 7500MW by 2035, signing the Cumulative Impacts Environmental Justice Law that will help protect Environmental Justice communities from polluting facilities, banning fracking, and fighting the PennEast Pipeline.

Governor Murphy has also made good nominations to the Pinelands Commission and Highlands Council and filed NRD lawsuits against businesses such as Sherwin Williams Company and Handy & Harman Electronics Materials Corporation.

The opposing candidate, Jack Ciattarelli, has a poor environmental record. While serving in the New Jersey State Assembly, Mr. Ciattarelli voted against participating in the Paris Climate Accord, against participating in a collaborative effort of northeastern states to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, against protecting the public drinking water within the New Jersey Highlands, and against preventing increased flooding for NJ neighborhoods.

Taylor McFarland, Acting Director of the Sierra Club New Jersey Chapter, released the following statement:

“As we continue to see the increasing severity of climate change, it is critical that New Jersey has a leader who is capable of adapting and adjusting to those impacts. During his first term, Governor Murphy has been able to capitalize on New Jersey’s offshore wind potential, move forward on electrifying our transportation sector, help fight and stop the disastrous PennEast Pipeline, and more. Compared to his opponent Jack Ciattarelli, who has voted against critical environmental protections for New Jersey, Governor Murphy is better fit to be the environmental steward that this state needs.”


The Sierra Club is not only the nation's oldest and largest environmental group, but one of the most influential when it comes to making political endorsements. The Sierra Club has over 80,000 members and supporters in New Jersey and more than 3.8 million nationwide.

In addition to protecting every person's right to get outdoors and access the healing power of nature, the Sierra Club works to promote clean energy, safeguard the health of our communities, protect wildlife, and preserve our remaining wild places through grassroots activism, public education, lobbying, and legal action.

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