Sierra Club: Port Authority Transparency Bill Released from Committee

Port Authority Transparency Bill Released from Committee

The following bills was released from the Senate Transportation Committee:

Port Authority Transparency S619 (Gordon) seeks to increase transparency by modifying government structure and providing legislative oversight for PANYNJ. The bill requires the PANYNJ to create and make public a detailed annual operating budget. It also included rules for property disposition and subsidiaries as well as set standards for public hearings related to toll or fare increases. The Sierra Club supports efforts to increase transparency and accountability within the Port Authority.

“The Port Authority has been a rogue agency without any accountability. They have wasted money while impacting the lives of everyone in the area. It’s important to monitor and regulate the Port Authority because they control ports, bridges and airports and not only affect the daily lives of commuters, but of the environment and our health as well. This bill goes a long way to help reform an agency that’s been out-of-control for so long. It will bring accountability and transparency to an agency that could possibly do tremendous damage to the region and our environment,” said Jeff Tittel, Director of the New Jersey Sierra Club. “We need this reform because we expect Port Authority to be looking at construction on the Gateway Tunnel, Cross Harbor Freight Tunnel, a new bus terminal, and other important pieces of infrastructure. We need to make sure these projects are transparent and done in a proper and cost-effective way.”

The Sierra Club has been fighting for these reforms for years. PANYNJ should be subject to NY Freedom of Information Law and NJ Open Public Records Act. They have been hiding behind the cloak of secrecy for too long and this legislation will help the public get access to this information. When we tried to get information from the Port Authority they either denied our request or wanted to charge so much money it would be cost prohibitive. We need to open them up to allow the public to get records and vital information so that we know what is happening not only at the agency, but what the agency is doing and how it will impact the rest of us.

“We’ve been fighting for years for reforms to the agency because we believe the Port Authority needs to be subject to laws that every other governmental agency is subject to. They cannot continue to hide information from the public. Open government means open access to records,” said Jeff Tittel. “They are a rogue agency doing what they want and ignoring the public.”

We also have concerns with PANYNJ because of the upcoming, much-needed, Gateway Tunnel Project. The growing issues for commuters including major delays on public transit and aging infrastructure show a train tunnel under the Hudson River to New York City.  However, we believe the Port Authority must allow a transparent and open process during the planning and construction process to ensure this project goes through. We are also concerned give the Port Authority’s record and all the other projects they are managing, that they will be able to effectively build this one. If New Jersey does not come up with $5 billion for its share of the project, it could also see an end.

“We are concerned that the Port Authority’s lack of transparency and accountability will undermine the work being done with Gateway Tunnel. The Port Authority not only is an agency that has blocked the public knowing what is going on, but is also working on other projects that may take their attention away from building Gateway. They are looking to build a PATH extension to Newark Airport, re-build the area around Ground Zero, restore Port Authority Bus Terminal. The Port Authority is a rouge agency. Christie also vetoed the bill that would require more transparency from the Port Authority. Given their record for the environment and all the scandals they’ve been involved in, how can we trust them? The Gateway Tunnel is desperately needed to get commuters to work and to help improve mass transit. These tunnels are not only vital for New Jersey and New York City, but for the region and the whole Northeast Corridor. It will double the capacity of the tunnels to transport people to and from New Jersey and New York City. The project will allow commuters to work in the morning easier, with fewer delays and more trains. In order for Port Authority to take the lead we need to reform the agency so the public knows what is going on,” said Jeff Tittel.

The Sierra Club is a member of the Coalition for Healthy Ports, a group of labor, environmental and community groups that is working for major changes in the port to address public health and labor concerns.

“The Port Authority has been unchecked for too long and that’s why we need this bill to reform it. This legislation would bring transparency and accountability to the agency. With the increasing pressure of building the Gateway tunnel, as well as the need to reduce air pollution, it’s more important than ever to know what’s going on behind closed doors. The PANYNJ plays a big part in the lives of New Jersians and they should be held accountable for the decisions they make just as any other government agency is,” said Jeff Tittel, Director of the New Jersey Sierra Club.


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