Sierra Club: PSEG- More Gas, More Ratepayer Money

PSEG- More Gas, More Ratepayer Money

PSE&G is looking to upgrade its pipeline system, which has the most cast-iron pipes of any utility in the nation. Those pipes also are the most likely to leak, releasing methane, a potent source of greenhouse-gas emissions, into the air. Today, the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities voted on a program that would enable PSEG to replace hundreds of miles of cast iron and steel pipes over the next five years with new gas mains.

“Once again, the BPU will rubber-stamp what PSEG wants. Now its $2 billion to replace natural gas lines on top of the $1.2 billion for New Jersey Strong and the $3 billion from nuclear subsidies. Instead of doing their job, the BPU has sided with PSEG over the ratepayers. They should be called the board of promoting utilities. Some lines need to be replaced because of safety issues however we should be moving away from natural gas to renewable energy," said Jeff Tittel, Director of the New Jersey Sierra Club. “PSEG should have been upgrading its pipeline system all along with bond holder money, not ratepayer money. Rebuilding pipelines will lead to more fracking, air pollution, and undermine our attempts for achieving our renewable energy goals.”

Public Service Electric & Gas has reached agreement with state regulators to spend $1.9 billion to replace much of its aging gas pipeline system under a deal was approved by the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities today. The settlement is typically approved by the five commissioners once its staff and New Jersey rate counsel agree on the terms of the agreement.

“If the BPU always give PSEG what they want, how will they be able to oversee the nuclear subsidy? How can they do a proper analysis to make sure PSEG actually need the money? New Jersey cannot be giving any more ratepayer money to PSEG for dirty energy infrastructure projects. We should not be building more natural gas infrastructure if we want to reach Governor Murphy’s strong environmental and clean energy goals for New Jersey. If we want to get to 100% green energy by 2050 we need to focus on renewable energy such as solar and wind. We must promote clean energy and block dirty fossil fuels from continuing to infiltrate our state,” said Jeff Tittel, Director of the New Jersey Sierra Club.

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