Sierra Club: Rep. Lance Bad for Clean Energy, Environment, and New Jersey


Citizens for Responsible Energy Solutions (CERS) has endorsed US Rep. Leonard Lance for re-election in the 7th District. The group calls itself a clean energy group despite supporting fossil fuels such as natural gas. Lance’s voting record on clean energy and environmental issues has been disappointing and has gone against the wishes of the people of New Jersey. Jeff Tittel, Director of the New Jersey Sierra Club, released the following statement:

“This group is really just a front for gas companies to endorse Republican candidates who continually side with them. Rep. Lance has consistently voted against the environment and public safety and health of New Jersey. He’s voted for legislation that makes it easier to put pipelines across our state and to allow loopholes for toxic air pollution. He has walked in lock-step with fossil fuel companies and the chemical industry to weaken protections on natural resources and put our health at risk. Leonard Lance is not an ally of clean energy, the environment, or the people of New Jersey,

Lance’s voting record shows hypocrisy, especially when it comes to promoting clean energy. Congressman Lance says he is for open space but voted to repeal the Antiquities Act. He says he’s against PennEast but he voted for a bill that would make it make it easier to build pipelines like Keystone XL and Dakota Access or allow proposals like PennEast or Pilgrim to become export pipelines. He has voted for legislation that supports fracking in the Pacific Ocean Arctic, offshore drilling in the Eastern Gulf, and Big Oil Giveaway that directs federal land managers to prioritize drilling on our public lands over other activities such as hunting, fishing, and hiking.

“Other attacks on the environment and clean energy include Lance’s vote to repeal the Water United States Rule, and his votes against legislation for lead poisoning safeguards, limits on carbon pollution from power plants, and pesticides pollution protection from our waterways. He has also voted against legislation to recognize the cost of climate change, and legislation that would give the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge the highest level of protection. Leonard Lance is not a supporter of clean energy, rather he supports the Trump Administration’s consistent giveaways to corporate polluters and the fossil fuel industry.”

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