Sierra Club: Senate Republicans Budget Attacks Environment and Arctic

Senate Republicans Budget Attacks Environment and Arctic


The Senate Budget Committee today released their budget blueprint for the upcoming fiscal year. A major part of the plan included overhauling the tax code to allow $1.5 trillion in tax cuts over the next decade for individuals and corporations. What they are doing is cutting the environmental funding by $1 billion or more. The budget resolution also opens the door to drilling in the coastal plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, and also provides tax cuts to corporate polluters at the expense of public health and communities across the nation. By using the budget reconciliation process, protections for the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge can be overturned by a simple majority vote. Jeff Tittel, Director of the New Jersey Sierra Club released the following statement:


“The Republicans in the Senate are going along with President Trump's attack on the environment by slashing funding. What this budget resolution does is puts polluters over people. This budget resolution would cut environmental funding by $1 billion or more. Trump is pushing through this tax plan so he can exacerbate dirty fuels, while rolling back environmental protections. While they are opening up the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil and gas drilling, they are using the money for huge tax breaks for the wealthy. This is not only a huge threat to the environment, but will impact public health and exacerbate climate impacts.”


“Last year we had the biggest victory in 40 years when the Obama Administration blocked offshore drilling. Now Donald Trump and the Fossil Fools in Congress are working to undo these protections. This proposal is even more dangerous as we have seen all of the devastation from Hurricanes Jose, Irma, and Harvey decimate communities. We need swift action on climate change, but drilling in the Arctic will lead to more severe storms, flooding, and sea level rise.”


“We need to stand up against offshore drilling and protect our coasts, whether it is here or in the Arctic. The next thing we know they will target offshore drilling in the Atlantic Ocean next. One quart of oil pollutes a million gallons of water so this is a serious threat. The oil would be taken to refineries in our area, while we will see more pipelines like Dakota Access and Keystone XL further putting us at risk. We have to explore new technologies for wind and wave power and remove obstacles that stand in the way of clean energy. We should be focusing on promoting safe and renewable energy like wind power and not opening up our oceans to drilling. With renewable energy like wind and solar, we can have thousands of new jobs and economic activity.”


“We are calling on all of our members of Congress to say NO to Arctic drilling and no to this or any budget proposal.  Congress must reject any budget reconciliation bill that includes drilling in America’s Arctic Refuge or cuts to programs that protect health and our communities. Instead of listening to the public who opposes offshore drilling, the Senate Republicans are continuing the fossil foolishness of the past. From Belmar to Anwar, we need to make sure our coasts are protected. The same ‘Drill Baby, Drill’ crowd are now the ‘Spill Baby, Spill Crowd.’ We need all of our representatives in Washington to oppose this environmentally damaging budget proposal.”

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