Sierra Club: Senator Codey Introduces Bills for Renewable Energy in NJ

Contact Jeff Tittel 609-558-9100


Senator Codey Introduces Bills for Renewable Energy in NJ


Senator Codey has introduced major legislation for renewable energy and green jobs in New Jersey. These bills are a cornerstone of Phil Murphy’s platform running for Governor and will go a long way implementing his clean energy agenda. His goal is to get New Jersey to 100% renewable energy by 2050. These bills will help the state accomplish that goal. There are plenty of new technologies that we can use to reach these goals. New Jersey can be a leader for solar and wind power. We can also use things like geothermal power, microgrids and wave technologies. Renewable energy creates jobs and promotes economic growth. It will also help New Jersey reduce our greenhouse gas emissions and fight climate change and the effects of it such as storm events and sea level rise.


“Together, these bills contain the strongest renewable energy goals set in the country. This is landmark legislation that will make us a national leader in renewable energy and green jobs. New Jersey used to be at the front of the pack, especially for solar and wind power, but we’ve fallen behind since Governor Christie came to office. With these initiatives, we can kickstart our green economy once more. We want to thank Governor Codey for sponsoring these important bills and implementing the Murphy environmental agenda. As Governor, Codey expanded our renewable energy portfolio and was a strong advocate for clean energy,” said Jeff Tittel, Director of the New Jersey Sierra Club. “Phil Murphy has committed to 100% renewable energy by 2050 and these bills will help move his agenda forward.”


In March, Trump announced a serious of executive orders to will suspend, rescind or flag for review more than a half-dozen measures under the Obama Administration to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. A major part of the Executive Order is to eliminate the Clean Power Plan as well as lifting the moratorium on coal leasing on federal lands, increasing the limits on methane leaks, and rescinding National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) guidance that directs agencies to account for the climate crisis. Another piece of the order will direct the Bureau of Land Management to rescind the 2015 rule updating controls on hydraulic fracturing on federal and tribal lands, as well as eliminate review of emissions standards for new oil and gas operations.


“This bills will allow us to fight back against Donald Trump’s war on the environment. Trump is dismantling all of the progress that has been made by ending half a dozen programs to help stop climate change and reduce air pollution. He has pulled the US out of the Paris Accords and revoked the Clean Power Plan, as well as the Waters of the United States Rule. New Jersey has many major environmental programs and we will see more cuts and more environmental damage than most other states. “In light of federal rollbacks, it’s more important than ever that we make New Jersey greener at a state level with legislation like this,” said Jeff Tittel.


Christie has been blocking environmental progress in New Jersey since he first came into office. The Governor has Closed the Office of Climate Change, ended DEP’s Coastal Program for Climate Mitigation and Adaptation, and failed to use updated flood maps based on sea level rise. He rolled back the revised Energy Master Plan (EMP) to cut energy efficiency and renewable energy (30% to 22.5%) goals for New Jersey. Instead it calls for more fossil fuels and supports expanding natural gas infrastructure that supports fracking. The administration significantly subsidized gas fire power plants, while rolling back goals for solar and wind. He removed New Jersey from the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI), costing our state $1.25 million in revenue and more than 1,800 jobs. He also has been the largest proponent of the South Jersey Gas pipeline that would cut a scar through the Pinelands and increase greenhouse gas emissions.


“Governor Christie has worked against renewable energy and energy efficiency since Day One and now we have a chance to move forward. He rolled back the revised Energy Master Plan (EMP) to cut energy efficiency and renewable energy (30% to 22.5%) goals for New Jersey. By raiding the Clean Energy Fund, we dropped from 7th to 24th in energy efficiency in the nation. For every dollar invested by a homeowner they save $4 and for every dollar invested by a business they save $16. These important standards could save consumers $11 billion dollars and prevent 25 million metric tonnes of climate pollution.  Energy efficiency reduces peak power needs and therefore saves people money because it could double and triple normal power,” said Jeff Tittel.


Renewable Energy S3433 (Codey) requires that, by energy year 2050, all electric power sold in NJ by each electric power supplier and basic generation provider be from Class I renewable energy sources. An important step in reaching our 2050 reduced emission goals is to improve renewable energy and energy efficiency. We need to increase the state Renewable Portfolio Standard and establish an energy efficiency portfolio standard. We must incorporate energy efficiency into our building codes and other aspects of policy-making.


“New Jersey can be a leader nationally in clean energy and clean energy jobs if we aggressively move forward with renewable energy such as solar, wind, and geothermal. We need to pass legislation that encourages homeowners and businesses to invest in solar power. This will help deal with climate change while growing our economy. We need this legislation to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions, grow our economy, and produce green jobs. With all the people that have been devastated by the recent storms and flooding, ignoring climate change is not only outrageous, but dangerous. We need to stop the fossil foolishness of the past and make real changes to energy programs,” said Jeff Tittel. “A 2015 Stanford University study shows that switching to 100% renewable energy by 2050 would create 233,800 construction and renewable jobs in NJ alone. It would also save over $12 billion in healthcare costs associated with fossil fuels such as air pollution.”


Wind Energy S3432 (Codey) increases amount of offshore wind energy required to be generated by electric power suppliers and basic generation service providers to 3,500 megawatts by 2030. New Jersey has had a lack of initiative from our government on implementing the Offshore Wind Economic Development Act (OWEDA) and create a financing mechanism to make wind power a reality. Seven years ago Christie signed the Act, but the Administration has failed to make offshore wind a reality off our coast. The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) even auctioned leases for offshore wind off our coast, but without financing rules the Christie Administration will block these projects from happening.


“New Jersey was supposed to be the leading state on offshore wind until Governor Christie blocked it. Wind energy is renewable, clean, and creates thousands creates jobs. Offshore wind off our coast could feasibly power 1.2 million homes with clean energy. New Jersey has enough potential of offshore wind to meet 1/3 of our electrical needs, but our Governor rather side with polluters over our clean air. Other states such as Rhode Island are getting the jobs and economic advantages of wind while NJ falls behind. Offshore wind would be a great way to jumpstart our coastal economy,” said Jeff Tittel. “Offshore wind is the most reliable and cost-effective form of offshore power and New Jersey needs to pursue policies to facilitate the construction of wind turbines off our coast.”


Energy Storage S3434 (Codey) requires each electric power generator in NJ to create and deploy energy storage capacity of 600 megawatts by energy year 2021 and 2,000 megawatts by energy year 2030. Clean energy technology such as renewable energy, storage, and grid management technology, is becoming better and cheaper. In spite of pushback from Christie and Trump, investors are realizing the economic and environmental benefits of renewable energy.


“People in New Jersey have seen firsthand the impacts of climate change and demand action. New Jersey must work increase renewable energy and reduce our use of fossil fuels. In light of Trump’s rollbacks, it’s more important than ever that we work together to establish our state as a leader in renewable energy. We need to set a goal of 100% renewable energy by 2050. To meet this goal, we must implement offshore wind, solar power, and energy efficiency projects. We can promote new technologies such as fuel cells, wave technology, microgrids, and energy storage,” said Jeff Tittel, Director of the New Jersey Sierra Club. “We can grow our economy and create jobs while protecting our environment and these bills would push us closer to that possibility. These bills may not be signed by this Governor but we hope and believe that the next Governor will do it, especially Phil Murphy.”


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