Sierra Club Sues on Trump’s Illegal Energy Efficiency Delays

Contact Jeff Tittel 609-558-9100


Sierra Club Sues on Trump’s Illegal Energy Efficiency Delays


The Sierra Club, represented by Earthjustice, is joining 11 states, New York City, and other environmental groups in a suit against the Trump Administration. These states, including California, Washington, and Massachusetts, are suing them for illegally stalling five energy efficiency standards from the Department of Energy. These standards for things like portable air conditioners, uninterruptible power supplies, walk in coolers and freezers, commercial packaged boilers, and air compressors, could potentially save consumers as much as $11 billion on their energy bills.


“New York City, eleven states, NYC, and multiple organizations are standing up against the Trump Administration’s illegal actions stalling energy efficiency by freezing standards. Energy efficiency and weatherization are some of the most cost-effective ways to reduce greenhouse gasses and air pollution. For every dollar invested by a homeowner they save $4 and for every dollar invested by a business they save $16. These important standards could save consumers $11 billion dollars and prevent 25 million metric tonnes of climate pollution.  Energy efficiency reduces peak power needs and therefore saves people money because it could double and triple normal power,” said Jeff Tittel, Director of the New Jersey Sierra Club. “Instead of joining with the other states to help New Jersey move forward with energy efficiency, Governor Christie is not joining the lawsuit.  He’s siding with Trump over the people of New Jersey.”


The five efficiency standards were finalized and signed in December 2016, but have been delayed. The groups and states are suing the Trump Administration because the DOE has properly updated energy efficiency standards as they are required to do under law. Together, the five standards are estimated to produce more than $11 billion in consumer savings while avoiding 25 million metric tons of climate pollution over 30 years. These delays go along with the Administration’s cutting of renewable energy and energy efficiency programs in the budget as well as rolling back CAFE standards.


“While other states are working to protect their citizens and environment by promoting energy efficiency and stand up against Trump, New Jersey is going backwards. Governor Christie has worked against renewable energy and energy efficiency since Day One. By raiding the Clean Energy Fund, we dropped from 7th to 24th in energy efficiency in the nation. The Fund supported great programs and some of them could be better and be expanded to help more people and create more jobs. However, this can’t happen because they don’t have the funds that keep getting stolen,” said Jeff Tittel. “New Jersey could be a leader again in energy efficiency, but our Governor has made us a loser. Not only has Christie robbed us of energy efficiency funds himself but now he’s refusing to fight back against the federal government’s illegal activities.”


Instead of working to decrease the effects of climate change and air pollution by promoting renewable energy, Trump is pushing for fossil fuel projects instead. These delays are only part of Trump’s ongoing attack on the environment. Rolling His budget blueprint for fiscal year 2018 includes massive cuts to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 31.4% of EPA funding would be cut, as well as a 35% reduction in their operational budget. The rollbacks will hurt 50 agency programs and eliminate 3,200 of the agency’s 15,000 jobs. Trump’s budget chief even said there will be no “crazy spending on climate change.” These cuts would end funding to states for things like environmental clean-up efforts and nonpoint source pollution control. He’s also removing the US from the historical Paris Climate Agreement.


“This delay is part of Trump’s attack on the environment. He has pulled the United States out of the Paris Climate Agreement and rolled back protections for clean air and water. His budget cuts the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy by a staggering 70%. This will cost our country millions of jobs and add tons more air pollution. Programs inside the Department of Energy that study energy research and development will be cut as much as 18%. He is cutting over a dozen programs to protect us from climate change impacts including programs to study advance technology. Instead of promoting renewable and alternative energy, he’s siding with the fossil fuel industry and dirty energy,” said Jeff Tittel, Director of the New Jersey Sierra Club. “We need to fight back against Trump’s anti-environmental agenda by taking his Administration to court. We need to stand up, speak out, and protest against these actions that put our environment and health at risk. We will fight for clean energy and energy efficiency and for a green future!”

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