Sierra Club: Trump Nominates Coal Lobbyist to Second in Command at EPA

Trump Nominates Coal Lobbyist to Second in Command at EPA


The Trump Administration nominated coal lobbyist Andrew Wheeler to Deputy Administrator for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Wheeler works at Faegre Baker Daniels Consulting, where his clients have included coal mining giant Murray Energy Corp. and uranium miner Energy Fuels Resources Inc. He was previously registered with Congress as a lobbyist, but removed his registration in August. We are urging the Senate to reject this dangerous nomination that threatens public health and the environment. Jeff Tittel, Director of the New Jersey Sierra Club released the following statement:


“President Trump selecting former coal lobbyist Andrew Wheeler as Deputy EPA Administrator is a huge threat to our public health and environment. This nomination is an insult to the public. Wheeler worked for the coal and uranium mining industry, including Murray Energy Corp. whose owner was one of Trump’s largest allies and campaign contributors. Murray Energy is known for safety violations and mine collapses that resulted in the deaths of many mine workers and rescuers. All along they have dodged their responsibility and look the other way at health and safety. Wheeler has spent his career challenging environmental protections that keep our air, water clean, and workers safe. Now Trump wants to put Wheeler as second in command to EPA. If they approve Wheeler’s nomination, it will be like putting Jesse James in charge of bank security.”


“Wheeler is not only a key D.C. lobbyist for the coal industry, but also used to be an aide for Senator James Inhofe, one of the nation’s biggest climate change deniers. Wheeler is clearly someone who will work alongside Trump and Pruitt to push Big Coal, Oil and Gas over the American people. As a lobbyist, he even lobbied Congress to subsidize coal and nuclear power, hurting efforts to promote clean renewable energy. Wheeler will clearly side with polluters over our health and safety. With Wheeler and Pruitt leading the EPA, it is like a one-two punch for the environment. This will mean more dirty air in our lungs and climate impacts threatening our communities.”


“The appointment of Andrew Wheeler is a huge conflict of interest of someone who is clearly coming over from the industry he is supposed to regulate. While coal executives are meeting at Trump hotel, Scott Pruitt is flying a private jet supplied by the oil and gas industry and paid for by the taxpayers. This is part of the Trump Administration’s arrogance and abuse of power that is threatening people who are breathing in more toxic pollution. This is another example of the fossil fuel industry entering the revolving door of the Trump Administration. They want to destroy wetlands, while they fill the swamp. Instead of draining it, they are filling it with coal. The Senate must reject this dangerous nomination. Pruitt and Wheeler together, is like Bonnie and Clyde running EPA.”

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