Sierra Club: Tues: Important Press Conference against Nuclear Bail Out

Tues: Important Press Conference against Nuclear Bail Out

The Sierra Club is organizing a press conference alongside a broad coalition of business, community, and environmental groups to speak out about the nuclear subsidy bill, S877 (Sweeney). Under this bill, PSEG could start receiving subsidies within a year, despite being profitable enough to have bid into auction. It also includes subsidies to fix up their plants. The bill goes minimally through 2030 but can be extended. The bill has been worked on behind-the-scenes with little opportunity for public examination and input. We believe that the bill undermines renewable energy and hurts the communities and ratepayers of New Jersey. The bill is moving through the Legislature and is currently in Committee.


WHO: The New Jersey Sierra Club, AARP, Environment New Jersey and other consumer, business, and environmental groups


WHAT: A press conference on the latest changes to the nuclear subsidy bill including updates to the bill and our fight against it.


WHEN:  Tuesday, February 6, 2018 at 1:00 pm


WHERE: Statehouse Annex Steps, 131-137 W State St, Trenton, NJ 08608


“They want to take billions of NJ ratepayer money and give it to PSEG to subsidize nuclear power plants that are already making money. Each time this bill gets worked on, it comes out more of a mess with more giveaways to PSEG. Each day it gets worse and more expensive. PSEG’s nuclear plants aren’t in any jeopardy and don’t need any financial assistance for at least a couple years. All this is about is taking care of stockholders and bondholders. This bill will block and stop renewable energy and green jobs from moving forward in NJ. The bill is nothing but a green scam to rip off ratepayers to raise their dividends and stock prices,” said Jeff Tittel, Director of the New Jersey Sierra Club.

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