Sierra Club: Wed: Important Press Conference against Nuclear Subsidy Bill

Wed: Important Press Conference against Nuclear Subsidy Bill

The Sierra Club is organizing a press conference alongside a broad coalition of business, community, and environmental groups to speak out about the nuclear subsidy bill, A3724 (McKeon). The bill is on the Governor’s desk and if signed, would give PSEG a $3 billion subsidy that they don’t need.


WHO: Jeff Tittel, Director, The New Jersey Sierra Club; Doug O’Malley, Environment New Jersey; and other consumer, business, energy, citizen, and environmental groups.


WHAT: A press conference on the latest changes to the nuclear subsidy bill including updates to the bill and our fight against it.


WHEN:  Wednesday, May 2nd at 1:00 pm


WHERE: Statehouse Annex Steps, 131-137 W State St, Trenton, NJ 08608


“Governor Murphy must veto this bill or CV it with edits so that it includes transparency and accountability. Without changes, this bill gives PSEG the biggest corporate subsidy in state history: $3 billion for their stockholders at the expense of the ratepayers. PSEG still want to take billions of NJ ratepayer money to subsidize nuclear their power plants that are already making money. This bill will undermine efforts for renewable energy, including our goal of 100% renewable by 2050. It also lacks language for replacing the nuclear plants when they close with renewables. This means that when the plants close, they can be replaced with natural gas. This bill is all about helping PSEG’s bottom line,” said Jeff Tittel, Director of the New Jersey Sierra Club. “We should not be subsidizing PSEG’s nuclear plants, nor should we be setting up a system that will harm renewable energy in the long-run.”

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