Sierra Club: Wed: Important Press Conference against Nuclear Subsidy Bill Package

Wed: Important Press Conference against Nuclear Subsidy Bill Package

The Sierra Club is organizing a press conference alongside a broad coalition of business, community, and environmental groups to speak out about the nuclear subsidy bill package that is up for a floor vote on Thursday. The package includes A3724 (McKeon) which would give PSEG a $3 billion subsidy that they don’t need. The other two attached bills, A3723 (McKeon) and A2485 (Mazzeo) were pulled out of the original legislation to give green-cover to the nuclear subsidy.


WHO: Jeff Tittel, Director, The New Jersey Sierra Club; Amy Goldsmith, State Director, Clean Water Action; Doug O’Malley, Environment New Jersey; and other consumer, business, and environmental groups


WHAT: A press conference on the latest changes to the nuclear subsidy bill including updates to the bill and our fight against it.


WHEN:  Wednesday, April 11th at 1:00 pm


WHERE: Statehouse Annex Steps, 131-137 W State St, Trenton, NJ 08608


“This bill package is nothing but green cover for a massive nuclear subsidy that actually undermines renewable energy efforts in New Jersey. It’s still a giveaway to PSEG and a complex green scam that puts the environment and ratepayers of NJ at risk. It’s nothing more than giving Public Service Enterprise Greed a blank check from the ratepayer that will undermine progress for renewable energy in New Jersey. These bills hurt renewable energy and ratepayer’s wallets,” said Jeff Tittel, Director of the New Jersey Sierra Club. “This bill package is the biggest subsidy and rip-off in the history of New Jersey. It will undermine renewable energy and cost ratepayers millions of dollars. Now that the bills will be up for a floor vote in both Houses, we need to speak out more than ever!”

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