Sierra Club Will March for Science in Trenton, April 14

SC Will March for Science in Trenton, April 14

On April 14th in Trenton, the New Jersey Sierra Club will be co-hosting the second annual New Jersey March for Science. Along with other groups, elected official, and citizens from across the state, we will be speaking and marching in support of science. The march will begin at 10 am on April 14th at the Trenton War Memorial (1 Memorial Dr, Trenton, New Jersey 08611).


“In the last year, since the March for Science, the Trump Administration has not only declared war on the environment but on science and public health. This Administration is reckless when it comes to protecting the public from toxic chemicals, climate change, and water and air pollution. Not only are they cutting programs from EPA and other agencies, they are gagging scientists as well. They are ignoring science by allowing dangerous pesticides and toxic chemicals to get out into the environment. Trump is rolling back and getting rid of programs to protect us from climate change and sea level rise including the Clean Power Plan. We’re here this year to say ENOUGH. We will fight to protect our air and water and fight climate change. We’re going to fight fake news and fake science!” said Jeff Tittel, Director of the New Jersey Sierra Club. "Science in Latin means knowledge and truth. We’re not going to let those liars in the Trump Administration destroy our environment and ruin our planet. We’re here to say Science YES, Trump NO.”


Under President Trump’s orders scientists are gagged and governmental agencies can’t even say words ‘climate change,’ while they rollbacks programs for resiliency. His cabinet members are climate-deniers tied to the oil and gas industries. He continues to slash the EPA budget, getting rid of funding for offshore wind and solar programs, and eliminating programs that deal with climate change nationwide and internationally. Trump’s Interior Department puppet Zinke supports opening our public lands to fracking and coasts to offshore drilling as well as privatizing national parks. They’ve even eliminated protections for national monuments.


“President Trump has just declared war on science by giving polluters a free pass and including the very real threat of climate change. He is systematically dismantling all of the progress that has been made by ending half a dozen programs to help stop climate change and reduce air pollution. He has attacked the Obama’s Clean Power Plan, while gutting rules to reduce methane emissions, and stopping environmental reviews from considering climate change. He has pulled the US out of the Paris Climate Accords and prioritizing fossil fuels over renewable energy.  Instead of moving forward with green jobs that will boost our economy, Trump’s actions are undermining clean energy while making us more vulnerable to the next storm,” said Jeff Tittel. “While climate change is one of the biggest threats to our country, Trump is a science-denier because he is in lock step with the fossil fools in Washington.


At the New Jersey March for Science we will be standing united to support science and tell the Trump Administration that we demand they do the same. The Trump Administration has attacked science by cutting EPA budget and reducing NOAA’s work on climate change, putting people at risk. We are demanding that our leaders take into account the best available scientific evidence when making their decisions, in particular in the areas of climate change, healthcare, energy policy, public safety, education, and resource management.


“We’re marching because it’s more important than ever to stand up for the environment and stand up for science. With the Trump Administration attacking science, we need to fight back by marching for science and protecting our future! Not only is Trump cutting the EPA budget and gagging scientists, but he’s siding with corporate polluters and Big Oil and Gas. Trump is removing important protections to fight climate change including the Clean Power Plan and removing us from the Paris Accord. When you deny climate change, you deny that future. When you attack science and you deny us green jobs. When you cut scientific programs, our air and water becomes polluted and we don’t have advances in clean energy,” said Jeff Tittel, Director of the New Jersey Sierra Club. “Were here to stand up to the Fossil Fool in the White House and tell him we don’t want any more pipelines or offshore drilling! We’re marching for science, marching for the environment, and marching for our future!”


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