Singer Encourages New Jerseyans to Help Fight Addiction 

State Senator Robert Singer, a veteran lawmaker from Ocean County, wants to be removed from the select legislative committee formed by Senate President Steve Sweeney to examine the NJ Economic Development Authority (NJEDA).
Singer Encourages New Jerseyans to Help Fight Addiction

Saturday, April 28th is National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day

Senator Robert Singer (R-30) encouraged New Jersey families across the state to help fight drug abuse by participating in this National Prescription Take-Back Day on Saturday, April 28th.

“All too frequently prescription medication, that is thrown in the trash, can be recovered, abused, or sold illegally,” Singer said. “Properly disposing of your unused medication can be a lifesaving measure that protects our mothers, sons, or even a stranger.”

In 2016, more than 6,000 individuals from Monmouth County were admitted for substance abuse including more than 3,000 young adults for heroin and opioid abuse alone.

The majority of teenagers abusing prescription drugs acquire them unnoticed from their family or friends homes as reported by the United States Department of Justice.

The National Institute on Drug Abuse explains that misused opioid prescription use is a high-risk factor for heroin use.

“When we leave unneeded prescription drugs in our homes, we are providing opportunities for our children to have easy access to medication that can be abused,” Singer added. “By encouraging families to join the Take-Back program we are removing these harmful prescription drugs from the community and keeping our children safe.”

A Take-Back program near you can be located by visiting the US Drug Enforcement Administration’s website. However, if a program is not available near you, the DEA suggests to:

• Take the medications out of their bottles;
• Mix them with something unappealing like used kitty litter or coffee grounds;
• Seal them in a bag or disposable container, and throw away.

Additionally, New Jersey’s Project Medication Drop has locations across the state year-round for individuals to drop off unneeded prescriptions.

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